Dream of the shelf

Dream of what is meant by the shelf?Dream dream of shelf?Dream of shelves have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy shelves the detailed solution.

Dream of the shelf

Dreamed of empty shelves, and indicated that you will encounter property losses, bear the resulting extreme depression.

Dream is full of goods shelves, said through your efforts to finally be achieved, you will also reap the joy and satisfaction.

Dream bookshelves, symbol and opportunities, said the pursuit of spiritual world and cultural accomplishment.

, on the other hand, according to the views of western psychoanalysis, bookshelf and books together, and sex.Books are the meanings of the male.Each grid of bookshelf, symbol of women.

Dream of put the books in the bookcase, suggested that the potential of your heart desires.

If shelves full of dreams, said you has higher capacity than to deal with your current job, you will through hard struggle, to realize self.

If the dream of a bookcase empty, suggested that his wife is upset with her husband, or to remind you to grasp the business opportunity.

Dream of books too much, the shelf has not put, suggested some dissatisfaction with the husband to his wife, or that you don't get talented cast.

In addition, the dream of a book from the bookshelf, or put the books in the bookcase, chances are you want to put forward to the other sex symbol.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream shelf imply that you want to save or arrange something.Wine may require you to look at your social life, research and development and shoe rack reflects the need for the best way to make progress.

Psychoanalysis: see shelves may imply that you begin to dream nostalgic.You should ditch those for their view is not good quality, comprehensive development and wealth.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, shelf symbol of the precious intellectual wealth.

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