Dream of the red shoes

What is the meaning of dream of the red shoes?Dream dream of the red shoes?Dream of the red shoes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the detailed solution of dream of the red shoes.

Dream of the red shoes

Shoes are people in order to protect the foot wear.Protective effect of foot chafing and to keep warm.Red shoes, in dream means something about his obsession.May be feeling, reputation, and so on.

Dream of wearing red shoes, indicate the need to pay a big price to keep his image.

Dream of the red shoes for a while just broke, cannot remain permanently bespeak his own image.

Dream to buy red shoes, will be the apprentice, had not in three days.

Dreaming that I sell red shoes that his friend will make a lot of enthusiastic, true colors, will help you through.

Dreamed that he throw away the red shoes, which indicated his will to live a carefree days.

Dream of the red shoes

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