Dream of POTS and kettles

Dream of POTS and kettles what meaning be?Dream dream of POTS and kettles, ok?Dream of POTS and kettles have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy POTS and kettles detailed solution.

Dream of POTS and kettles

Dream of pot, pot is not a symbol of auspicious;Dreamed of pot, pot is broken, and fertility, vitality and life force will be inauspicious.

Dream of pan, usually symbol vitality, vigor and viability.

Dream of stove boiling pot, a symbol of reputation, prosperity, good business

Dreamed of a pot to boil and overflow, career, also said home luck chang properly but also to remind you to be careful because complacency, indulgence and threaten their safety.

Dream of pot is broken, you should be careful parents for mishaps.A man to do such a dream, but also because and carefullyA womanImproper relationship to their reputations.

Dream of broken pot, suggesting that vitality, or fertility affected, a crisis.

Kettle, symbol of the dream interests, wealth, friendship.

Dream full of water kettle that efforts to get profits or gains than expected, there are a lot of trusted friend, help you create wealth.

Dream of drink a bottle of wine, suggest you suddenly rich, enjoy life and positive, looking for happiness.You are optimistic and symbol.

Dreams feel difficult to drink wine kettle, may enjoy the happy moment, have an accident.

Dream of the waterTo spill water pot, remind you be careful because of complacency, or luxurious, threaten their safety.

Dream of the boiling kettle, suggest you can mark on the world, reputation longsheng, business prosperity, business prosperity, the revitalization of his possessions.For concentrated in the stock market, also said stocks to rise.

If the dream of an empty kettle, as may be limited by your friends and people around you, make you plan failed.

Dream broken kettle, is likely to get sick, or because the body reason such as loss of career development opportunities, the plan failed, setbacks and prospects.

Dream of the teapot, may your heart craves comfort, look forward to peace.

Dream of the teapot was broken, some hopes, or some kind of plan to abortion.

Dream of pot is cracked, beware ill, and make your career development is affected by the temporary.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

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Kettle (pan) overflow, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

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Dream the pot with dirt, fierce, like broken kettle.Dream the day and then have to gain, will be late home, cannot inadvertent."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

POTS, the funeral to Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

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