Dream of the movie

What is the meaning of dream of the movie?Dream dream of the movie?Dream of the movie has a real impact and reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see below (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of the movie you tidy the detailed solution.

Dream of the movie

Dream of watching horror movies or breathtaking action, represent your work or life recently is not very satisfactory, full of depressive feeling, the dream also is a kind of pressure release movies.

Women dream of love theme of movies, if you don't have a boyfriend, also represents his desire for the love;If it is women who have a boyfriend or husband to do such a dream, if love is the joy of the dream, has said the affection between you and the other half is getting better and better, life will be happy happiness;If the dream of love is sad, then represent a period of emotional experience has been that you can't forget, or by yourselfFormer boyfriendDamage and deceit.

Men dream of love theme movies, generally represents the sad and sad, also represents you want to escape from reality, thought of an ideal in life.

Dream the main plot in the movie, is the theme of dream: breathtaking action represent your life full of challenges and setbacks;Poignant love story represent your pathetic affair;Horror movie represent your pent-up emotions need to be released;Comedy represents the easy and rich life.Other psychologically speaking, the movie is fictional world, the dreams of the movies also imply that you have a strong desire escape from reality;If the dream of the plot as you expected to develop, say your dissatisfaction with the current situation.

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