Dream of shirt

Dream of shirt is what mean?Dream dreamed that shirt?Dream of shirts in reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up for the dream of you tidy shirts the detailed solution.

Dream shirt usually symbol of health and marriage.

Dream of wearing a clean shirt, said a person's physical fitness.

Dream shirt _ duke of zhou interprets dream shirt what is the meaning of dream to dream shirt is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

If the dream of wearing a delicate silk shirt, indicated that may have to go to someone else's wedding.Unmarried men and women to do such a dream that will be engaged, find contentment husband or beautiful wife.

Dream of wearing a new shirt, will be free, or health.

Dreaming that I am giving a shirt to others that you want to make new friends.Lovestruck man do such a dream, but also indicated that you see her soon.

Dream of someone else for your shirt that you will get reward and honor, to be envied.

Dream of tailor, please make a new shirt, also indicated that someone in your family do wedding, wedding.

Dreaming that I have done a lot of shirts, have a daughter to get married.

Dreamed that he went to buy a shirt, in addition to suggest to attend the wedding, also you may suddenly travel to far away places.

Dream of sell shirts, indicate that you will be in a difficult health drops, life.

Dream of tattered shirt, or dirty shirt, says health decline, or the economy into a prosperous, to make ends meet, depressed.

Dream and broken his shirt, should be pay attention to health, appropriate adjustment to relax, this dream suggests that mental disorders.

Dream of shirt cut by nails, etc, may conflict with a friend, you may inadvertently blurt out to hurt him, language don't be too reckless.

Case analysis of dream of shirt

The dream description: sleep, I and friends go shopping, we went to a clothing store, most of the clothing shop is a shirt.I like plain coloured the friend, she bought a white shirt, and I like to spend, though she is strongly opposed to, I still bought a flower shirt.(female, 31)

Resolution: dream dream shirt, represents the heart of emotion.Dream of the white shirt, is a symbol of love and sex, the dream is in the heart of the opposite sex.Dream of flower shirt, show your inner feelings are very abundant.Dream flower shirt, represent a romantic and warm feelings.

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