Dream of the cup

What is the meaning of dream of cups?Dream dream of cups?Dream of cups have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of teacup detailed solution.

Dream of the cup

Dream of the teacup, suggest you will gradually become be fond of pleasure.

Sick people dream of cups, indicated that the body will be restored to health.

For aA woman, dreaming that I am broken cup or cups were broken, a symbol of her happy and good luck is reversed by the incident.

Dream of drinking with cups, say you will in the near future and wealth rich and happy life victory party.

Dream of psychology

Dreams resolution: water main gain.Water glass is used to hold water, the water main, water glass has a similar meaning.

Psychology analysis:Dream of the waterFilled with water in the cup, and a sheep, means that will make a fortune.Dreamed that glass is empty, it is ominous, suggested that his efforts will draw water with a sieve, ultimately nothing.Dream of knocked off water, means will encounter unexpected disaster, poorer than escape.Dreamed someone pour water in the cup, is auspicious, portends a will get the help of others, in the end things accomplished.

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