Dream of the glass

Dream of the glass is what mean?Dream dream of glass?Dream of glasses have a real impact and response, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of glass detailed solution.

Dream of the glass

Dream of the glass, can open source throttling, thrifty.

A womanDream of glass, home will be the lack of food.

Dream of with a glass of water or alcohol, all efforts will be successful.

Traders dream of drinking water in a glass, do a business quickly, and can make a fortune.

Patient dreamed that use a glass of water or alcohol, doctors will ask others for their healing, disease will be better.

Dream to buy a new glass, means that home, the wedding will be held.

Dream of holding a glass, you will be a promotion and pay increase.

Married dreamed of glass, can have children.

The unmarried dream of glass, will find a mate.

Dream of the glass

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