Dream of the pen

Dream of the pen is what mean?Dream dream of pen?Dream of pen with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of pen detailed solution.

Dream of the pen

Dream of stylus, suggest you can set up to support, to convince others.

Dreamed that there are a lot of pen that you will be a large institutions, large unit.

Dream of fountain pen, demonstrates that thrived, a steady stream.

Unmarried men dream of fountain pen, portend to marry a wife received a good education.

Dream of using old pen, pen (or pen is old or broken pen) write, indicate that you may take over a mess, such as on the verge of collapse, a chaotic agencies and companies, or economic losses.

Involved in the campaign dreaming that I use ivory, predict campaign a shoo-in, will win.

Dream of pencil, indicate the dreamer to experience poverty, over a period of embarrassment come down in the day, or a business loss, even facing bankruptcy.

Edit or engaged in a written text of people dream of written pen off, would have been an accident, life twists and turns, short-term hard to resume.

Dream of doing business, is a good thing that you may finally will recover no hope to recover arrears.

Dream of with quill pens to write, to do a new business.

The unemployed dream of quill pens, soon will get the position of clerk.

Traders dream of write with quill pens, will being falsely accused, loss is big.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The dream.The monarch of the dream, who make acceptable;Princes of the dream, the battle was planning;Military officials of the dream, the main criticism always take public opinion;, the language of the digital dream body;Full of dreams, have good thing to;A pregnant womanDream, gave birth to a son;People dream, clerical trading.Every dream lost not auspicious.Dream big read, the main state affairs;Dream small such as needle, the main fine for a person.Dream ten pens, main versatile.Dream five-color pen, color HaoBi, pen, pen light, the main language.Dream Long Fenglin tiger pen, main chief.Dream shochiku asparagus, Lord brillant reclusion."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream pen bottom smoke cloud, a business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of catch a pen, will be.DeRenZhe, kneeling, or shame."Dunhuang dream book"

Big dream mountain clefts.Lord add longevity, only long, takes an exam the Italian."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream city zhongyi pen, business.The dream of the clever, the main article body, fame dignitaries.Women's dream, children smarter.If to barter, the examination hall down and out, writing on the wall."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream to make the author, ordinary people have a theory, talent."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

People with his pen, the article."The duke of zhou interprets"

Others send pens, into the main."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if the dream of pencil, pen or pen, they represent the interpersonal communication.If these writing tools cannot be used, says you don't understand your information.If you have lost the pen, said you don't know how to move on.

Psychology analysis: everyone has the ability to learn, but also need to imparting knowledge to others.The dream pen marks left by the longer than the pencil.

Spiritual symbol: explain and determine the cognitive ability is an important part of spiritual development.

Dreamed of pen case analysis

Dream description: boat day dreamed of his pen was broken, repair the pen when not careful, the ink in the pen in hand.Blue ink after get on, he went to a tap, but how can not wash clean.Then, he woke up.

Dream parsing: dream of pen was broken, the dream may be caused by the brain organize information during the day.From the psychological perspective, pen symbol self-expression, personalities, expression ability, information, and contact and communication.Pen is broken, may be a little said self-expression or contact on the obstacle or problem.Fix the ink pen in hand, general tips to be careful so that no mistakes.The color of the ink usually implies that the nature of the errors.Blue symbol, truth and wisdom, means calm, open mind, persistent action.Sometimes blue also represents stress, depression and sadness.Hand usually represent the ability to perform a task.We use hands to say "hello", so the hand also on behalf of the interpersonal relationship.New start, purification and update wash symbol.Wash your hands wash not clean, suggesting that the dreamer is trying to improve your ability to master life.

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