Dream and position can have a relationship?

Sleeping pose various, everyone is different.Has a side to lie prone to lie low, nature also have some unexpected ones position.So what is your position?Sleep well?Will often dream?In recent years, with the latest research suggests that sleep people's sleeping position may affect the quality of sleep and dreams.If you ever take a nap on the table, was a strange dream woke with a start, the instructions and the way you sleep may have a direct and close relationship.In addition, the university of Hong Kong scholars research, according to the content of the dream depends on the sleeping posture.For example, some people like to lie prone when sleeping, then this kind of person would be easy to do nightmare.So, your sleeping position may be a factor to determine how you will have a dream, specific what's the matter, don't worry, it is explained.

Dream and position can have a relationship?_ duke of zhou interprets

Position and dreams

We know the position of there are so few, such as side, lie, lie prone sleep and so on.Let's according to sleep posture, to parse.

Lie on your back.Many times we will choose this sleeping position, studies have shown that people sleeping in a dream is fragile or have the feeling of being exposed, but people lying down to sleep, wake up is hard to remember the kind of dream, we did this is not a bad thing.Because the people sleeping, very often do their be late or suddenly encountered major events in public nudity in body such dreams.

The side to sleep.Have points of left and right side, side to sleep in a different direction, dreams are also different.In a magazine published an article "sleeping posture, dream and sleep quality, the researchers carried out on the sixty-three research object frequency for monitoring the quality of sleep and dreaming.Results show that the people in the right position to sleep than the left side sleeping posture to sleep would do something more positive, more happy dream, more likely to dream of beautiful things, very few have nightmares.But on the quality of sleep, sleep than on the right side of the left side of the people is more better.

Tilt.The tilted position many times will appear in the car, inclined to sleep more vivid dreams, the greater the Angle of lift, the more sober.Vivid dreams let a person feel incredible, a strong sense of reality, even after wake up, usually can feel is real, suddenly can't tell the dream and reality, still immersed in the dream.

Lie prone.In the fragrant shue yan university, a study, concluded that lay face downwards on sleep are more likely to do all kinds of dreams associated with love.In another study, Dr Studied more than six hundred and seventy admitted to the position of contact and dreams, found that those who lie prone to sleep dreams the most profound and interesting, most will appear on the dreams of love, aliens, unable to breathe, and so on.

Individual character will not have some impact of dreams, is the main factor sleep position.It is interesting to note that many lucid dreamer claimed their side when they are more likely to happen body phenomenon, especially easy to wake up at this time, thinking is very clear, the body is not controlled, in the dreams and waking state.Such as yourself know in running in the dream, but it can't run, actually this kind of dream is due to the motion control system is our cerebellum, conducted by the movement control and feedback regulation by brain stem.Cerebellum sends a signal to want the legs to move, but you are sleeping, so not to move, so the brain stem prevents the movement instruction, could not enter in the spinal cord.Because didn't receive instruction and sensory leg muscles, nature also not give feedback, cerebellum therefore can appear such lives in a dream run phenomenon.

In addition to the main position outside factors can affect the dream, there are many other reasons, we often say "thought, night dream" it is not unreasonable.In addition, most of the time our dreams, dreams are actually slow motion in some experiments have been confirmed.Whether it's in a lucid dream, or ordinary dream, people at the time of complete the same activity, dream the time will be longer than in reality.But not all dreams are slowly, some people's speed is quicker, the speed of some people is normal, the reason to have such dreams, the situation in the real life also has to do with you.

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