Dream about being chased: dream being chased, secret

Dream aboutBeing chased, it means that the dreamer in real life pressure is very big, can't tell people the secret.If the dream of being chased by the person or animal monster, it portends a dreamer in the near future,Duke of zhou interprets) the pressure will gradually increase, he desperately wants to keep secret cannot keep;If the dream of yourself no matter how difficult to escape, and finally woke up, it means that you cannot bear inner secret, the best method that is to say, if the dream of and beat their own people shaking hands, it portends a dreamer can be in a good way to solve the current problem.

Dream about being chased: dream being chased, secret because _ duke of zhou interprets

Interprets allusions

One day, the weather is sunny, sunny, the emperor was dozing, suddenly dreamt that thousands of a wooden man with a handheld rod to beat myself.Just then, the emperor woke up from a nightmare.Since then, the emperor began to feel uncomfortable, spirit trance, there is a good memory also have no.

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