Is it green or red flowers in your workplace

Is it green or red flowers in your workplace

Do you want to know yourself in the workplace is red or green?Want to know the answer, will quickly test!

【 title 】

1, who do you like to spend your birthday?

Lovers - 2

The family - 3

Friends - 4

2, the link between friends, the party you are active?

Not, are generally reached out to his friends - 3

Not sure - 4

Yes - 5

3, do you think you very rich imagination?

General - 4

Yes - 5

Is not rich

4, do you like shopping always easy to buy clothes?

Yes, have a harvest - 5 every time

Rarely see clothes - 6

General - 7

You are in the workplace is green or red flowers _ psychological test

5, what do you think is the best way to promote sleep?

Before going to bed movement - 6

Listening to music - 7 before sleep

Bedtime reading - 8

6, how do you feel a sense of direction?

Bad - 7

General - 8 -

Very good - 9

7, what time do you likeWash your hair

Eight in the morning

9 in the evening

In the afternoon to 10

8, if you eat a fruit every day, which would you choose?

Apple - 9

Banana - 10

Kiwi fruit - 11

9, do you like singing?

Don't like - 10

Love - 11

General - 12

10, if walk to an unfamiliar road, you will get used to which direction to go?

On the left - 11

Not sure - 12

On the right - A

11, someone gave you a bottle of perfume, will you?

Happy to stay with yourself - 12

Will leave, but you don't use - D

To others - B

12, do you like to set goals?

Don't like - C

Like - D

See the mood - A


You are in the workplace is green or red flowers

The duke of zhou interprets of query