Would you make fool workplace behavior (2)

A, part-time distract you

Part-time can put a person special to the extreme, and to maximize the revenue, so you will not hesitate to when have the opportunity to choose a part-time job.But demand is not high, do you want to part-time as long as can make money the mentality let you did not get in the part-time skills improve, but the low part-time job make you tired.Person's energy is limited after all, don't cry because it is cheap part-time make you lose energy on the job, I'll do more harm than good.

B, lack of collective consciousness

Workplace lone ranger's age has in the past, the decline in the role of the individual, the role of the group is on the rise, so you want to fight alone in the trophy must be hard difficult road.Work of every department is a team, one of the good is not bad, if can let the whole team to follow only if you move, you are in the workplace should avoid its business, have good thoughts, ideas, and share it with.

C, no contact with my boss

Although you really want to let the boss pay attention to you, for you a raise a promotion.But let you take the initiative to chat with my boss, greetings from boss is difficult, so you will unconsciously hiding the boss.In the workplace, the boss is one of the important characters is related to your future fate, the man can make you work with ease, also can make your life difficult.Even if you are a swift horse don't die bole to find you, such as swift horse common but bole not often, actively seize the boss eyes will capture the boss's heart.

D, speak sure (Psychological tests /test/)

Workplace you sometimes speak more impulse directly, what with bad mood expression on the face, let others is easy to see what you are thinking, also easy to inadvertently offend others and don't even know it.To be honest his destruction, and can have a variety of "dirty" people in the workplace, also will have some bad things.For thoughtful things, you can be smart to assert their opinions;For those who attack, sure of things to yourself and don't say, that become the muzzle of the eyes of others.

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