Test your pressure is not big

Test your pressure is not big

Your recent pressure big?Want to know more about the answer, will quickly test!

【 title 】

Choose "not applicable" 1, "occasionally used" two points, three points, "frequently used" meter "most suitable" 4 points.

1, I found myself for subtle thing.

2, I seem to be nervous.

3, if blocked, I feel very impatient.

4, I respond excessive to things are.

5, I found myself easily distracted.

6, I found myself very vulnerable to stimulate.

7, I feel is in a state of high alert for a long time.

8, I feel I am very easy to be offended.

9, I feel a lot of spirit.

10, I find it hard to let oneself to quiet down.

After 11, stimulated, I find it difficult to calmly.

12, I'm nervous.

13, I find it difficult to relax.

14, I feel uneasy.

15, it's hard for me to stand at work.

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Test your pressure big _ psychological tests

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Test your pressure is small. The related content

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