Test your cartoon character

Test your cartoon character

Do you want to know what their own cartoon character?Want to know the answer, quick to do a small test!

【 title 】

1. You is a stubborn man?

A. he is - 2

B. not to 4

2. You are more likely to sympathize with the weak?

A. he is - 3

B. not to 6

3. Are you lost gold "?

A. he is - 7

B. not to 5

4. You hope and optimistic, cheerful lover together?

A. he is - 9

B. not to 3

5. The bright color do you like?

A. he is - 13

B. not to 8

6. You are a responsible person?

A. he is - 15

B. not to 5

7. You are very talkative?

A. he is - 12

B. not to 8

8. Your personality is more timid type?

A. is obtained

B. not to 19

9. You sad, sad mood?

A. he is - 7

B. not to 10

10. Do you think you can more objectively in the face of any things?

A. he is - 11

B. not to 12

11. Have you ever been said you have cow temper?

A. he is - KITTY

B. not to 20

12. Your temper is good?

A. he is - 19

B. not to 20

13. Do you like pure personality and good lover?

A. is obtained

B. not to 17

14. You are a man of the world?

A. he is - base of rabbit

B. not to 18

15. You hate complicated thing?

A. he is - 13

B. not to doug

16. People always say you ideas naive?

A. he is - burnt the bread

B. not to doraemon

17. You are the one who likes and dislikes clearly?

A. he is - doraemon

B. not to base the rabbit

18. You will hold skeptical of strangers?

A. he is - 17

B. not to 16

19. You for their favorite things, you will be devoted to forget all about eating and sleeping?

A. he is - the cherry small meatball

B. not to doug

20. Once someone said you are too honest?

A. he is - hello KITTY

B. not to sakura momoko

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Test your cartoon character _ psychological tests

Test results to see the next page:

Test your cartoon character related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query