What kind of person you hate

What kind of person you hate

Exactly the same in the world is not likely to be two types of people, even the twins' personality is not the same, so we are in contact with people, some people first meeting is like met friends for years, and some people meet will repel each other, just like a magnet, a suction side, is a sense of rejection, so what kind of person you hate, let cece see!

1, you care about before lovers love history?

Care - 2

Don't care - three

You hate what kind of person _ psychological test

2, do you know what love is, what love is, the two can you distinguish between?

- 3

Cannot - 4

3, you just learn to make the cake before long, when you want to be ready to make a cake, you will choose to do what shape?

Round - 6

Heart - 5

A square - 4

4, your mail whether there are a lot of unread mail?

Yes - 6

Not - 5

5, do you think marriage is a way to change its own economy?

Yes - 7

Not - 6

6, when you meet with difficulties, you can tell the family first, consult the opinions of the family?

Will - 8

Not - 7

7, if you work overtime to very late, then meet sex maniac, will you?

Stiff resistance - 8

Loud voice - 10

Hurriedly go away - 9

8, if you are the most love lover betrayed you, you will give each other chance again?

9 -

Don't -

9, you and your friend to go shopping, will often go to the snack street?

Yes - D

Not - 10

10, suppose you have to make friends with a person in the following, then, who would you choose?

Rude big - C

Dialysis of psychological experts - B

Stuffy oil bottle - A of silence

You hate what kind of person _ psychological test

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