The characteristics of roca color test

The characteristics of roca color test

Meet at, a lot of people is through the "if you are the one", because he is the first of which the national ratingsA blind date"If you are the one analyst in character.And roca, more is the author of "the color eyes talented people, the founder of Chinese character color research center, founder of chromatology" character ", a leader in the field of domestic character analysis applied.His character is color of the FPA test is to let people think!

This test can help you get belong to your character color, at the same time also can know about combination.You in red, for example, the total is 25, there is little doubt that you are a standard red character;For example, you again in the yellow is 15, red is 11, each other is 2, you will be the yellow + red character.

Roca character color test _ psychological tests

The largest number of letters in total, it is the core of your personality, is also the most important thing in your nature "motivation" character.There is only one you at the core of the main color, different color produces one of the most important "motivation".And you may be a personality, it is possible that the combination of the two.

This test questions is to test your "personality" rather than your "personality", test your "nature" rather than your "the day after tomorrow".But is there will be a part of the reader how difficult to own innate and acquired interactions.If you are in the process to solve the problem, strictly comply with the test, you will learn your power source of the character, can let you more clearly identified "who I am?""Why would become like this to me?""I what matter is born?""I what characteristic is the science of uniting the day after tomorrow?"

Note: check before the most fit your sentences.Each group choose one answer, only after all the 30 questions, according to the prompt number calculation.

1. About the outlook on life, my heart is:

A hope to be able to have as much experience, so there will be A very diverse ideas.

B on the basis of the careful reasonable, careful to determine their own goals, once will unswervingly to do it.

Pay more attention to the C is all possible success.

D prefer to eliminate risks and enjoy peace or the status quo.

2. IfClimbing the mountainTravel, in the mountain back route choice, I care more about:

A fun and interesting, so would rather new route back to the nest.

B safety, so would prefer to return to the original route.

C challenge is difficult, so would rather new route back to the nest.

D convenient save worry, so would prefer to return to the original route.

(3) is typically expressed in one thing, the more important to me:

A talk to each other to feel strong impression.

The accuracy of the B speaking expression.

C can achieve the ultimate goal of speaking.

D after the talk around whether interpersonal feeling comfortable.

4. Most of the time in life, my heart is more and more rejoicing in hope,

A stimulus.

B is safe.

C challenge.

D stable.

5. I consider myself emotionally basic features are:

A moodiness, often mood swings.

B self suppression on appearance, but inner emotional ups and downs, once the contusion is difficult to repair.

C emotions don't slow, more directly, only once is not stable, easily excited and angry.

D nature mood overcautious.

6. I think of myself in the whole life, in addition to work, on controlling, I:

A. no control, only infection to drive the desires of others, but the self-control ability is not strong.

B use rules to keep my control and to others for their requirements.

C is a inner controlling and want others to obey me.

D won't have any interest to influence others, also don't want others to control me.

7. When communicate with lover, I am inclined to emphasis:

A interest on compatibility, do like things, together with his love.

B the compatibility of ideological, considerate, is sensitive to his demand.

C the compatibility of wisdom, communicate important ideas, to discuss and debate things objectively.

D on the harmonious compatibility and tolerance to understand the other half of different views.

8. When networking, I:

Open A state of mind, can quickly build friendships and relationships.

B very careful slowly into the, once thought to be a friend, and maintain for long.

C hope dominate in relationships.

D let nature take its course, tepid, relatively passive.

9. I think I most of the time is:

A person with rich feelings.

B clarity.

C business links.

D mentality calm.

10. Usually I finish the task way is:

A, often before the deadline.

B it yourself, accurately do, don't trouble others.

C to do, do quickly.

D using the traditional method, it is necessary to get help from others.

11. If someone annoys me deeply, I:

A feel hurt, don't think the possibility of forgiveness, but most of the time or will eventually forgive each other.

B deeply angry, so how can forget?I will bear in mind that, at the same time, completely avoid the guy in the future.

C will fire emit three zhangs, and expect to have the opportunity to ruthlessly inner response.

D I would avoid a showdown, because it is less than that, the man does not enough and he will hang himself, or to find new friends.

12. In interpersonal relationships, I care about most is:

A. get others' praise and welcome.

B) get others to understand and appreciate.

C have the gratitude and respect of others.

D get others' respect and acceptance.

Roca character color test _ psychological tests

13. On the job, I show more is:

A full of enthusiasm, have A lot of ideas and spiritual.

B idea is exquisite, perfect precision, and reliability.

C strong and straightforward, and the driving force.

D have patience, strong adaptability and good at coordination.

14. My past teacher is most likely to my assessment is:

A big emotional ups and downs, articulate and elicits emotions.

B strictly protect their private, can appear sometimes lonely or not fit in.

C agile and independent, and like to do your own thing.

D look safe easy, reaction degree is low, moderate.

15. A friend of my evaluation is most likely to:

A like to talk about things to friends, also have the energy to convince others to do things.

B can many thoughtful questions, and need a lot of detailed explanation.

C is willing to say to express ideas, sometimes blunt and sharp to talk don't like people, things and objects.

D is usually with others to listen more and talk less.

16. On the issue of helping others, I tend to:

A more than the less, but if he come to see me, then I will help him.

B to help people should help, the icing on the cake is urgently needed.

Why should help C has nothing to do, but if I promise, will be to finish and then relief.

Though no hero shown bravery, D has come forward.

17. In the face of others for your praise, my gut reaction is:

No it doesn't matter, A special joy that is not.

B: I don't need those innocuous praise, rather than their ability to appreciate me.

C is a little doubt whether each other serious or immediately to avoid the attention of all.

D praise is always a is the mood very happy thing.

18. In the face of the present situation of the life, my behavior habits are more inclined to:

I have nothing to do with how outside A change, I feel so good.

B the world if I don't have progress, someone else will progress, so I need to constantly move forward.

C before all problems did not happen, you should try to think all the possibilities.

D every day happy is the most important.

19. The rules, my heart's attitude is:

A reluctance to break the rules, but may can not meet the requirements of the rules because of the loose.

B, break the rules, hope to set the rules by themselves rather than follow the rules.

C strictly abide by the rules, and do our best to do the best within the rules.

D not like bound by the rules, not according to the rules of play will feel fresh and interesting.

20. I consider myself on the behavior of the basic features are:

A slow, handle affairs step-by-step, can be coordinated with the people around you.

B specific goals, focus on efforts for the realization of the target, to seize the core point.

C carefully, carefully to do a good job in prevention and rehabilitation, and will do anything to work with.

D rich vigor, don't like the system and constraint, tend to react quickly.

21. In the face of pressure, I tend to choose:

Far from eye, far from A net to dissolve the pressure.

B, the greater the pressure, the greater the resistance.

C and others say is not useful, slowly chewing pressure in his own heart.

D instinctively avoid pressure, avoid not to drop can use various methods to vent out.

22. When to end a deep-rooted feelings, I will:

Days A very uncomfortable, but always will have, time will dilute all.

B, although feel injured, once determined, you will try to put the shadow of the past fall off.

C Mired in a sad mood, difficult to extricate themselves for a long period of time, also don't want to accept new people.

D is not here right now, it is necessary to find friend pour out or find a channel to vent, to seek the way of resolving.

23. In the face of others, I tend to review their instinct to most of the time:

A. identify with and understand each other.

B make some conclusion or judgment.

C give some analysis and reasoning.

D some comment or opinion.

24. I feel satisfy in which group?

Can A calm everyone agree on the conclusion in the end.

B can fully heated debate each other.

C can discuss in detail the stand or fall of things and influence.

D can be freely freely free talk, and very happy at the same time.

25. In the real inner thoughts, I think the work:

A if don't have to have pressure, can let me do I know that is good.

B should be completed as soon as possible, and strive for more tasks to complete.

C either don't do, will do my best to do.

D if can be fun fusion in it that would be great, but if you don't like the job is really boring.

26. If I were a leadership, subordinates more hope in my heart mind, I am:

Can A close and good for them to think.

B has a strong ability and leadership.

C fair and fair and reliable.

D be they like and feel charismatic.

27. I hope to get recognition approach is:

It doesn't matter that whether others A.

The recognition of the elite group B is the most important.

C as long as I agree or I care about people's attention.

D hope to get all the public's approval.

28. When I was a child, I:

A not too will be positive to try new things, usually prefer the old and familiar.

B is a king, you often listen to my decision.

C see strangers shy, consciously avoiding.

D naughty and lovely, in most cases is optimistic and enthusiastic.

29. If I were a parent, I may be:

A reluctant to interfere in children or easy to be persuaded.

B severe or directly give directional guidance.

Use action instead of C language to show kindness or high demand.

D like to accompany children play together, children and welcome friends like.

30. Here are four groups of proverbs, which conform to the highest number of I feel in the group?

A. the deepest truth is the simplest and the most common.

To succeed in this world must still waters run deep.Good temper is a person can wear the best clothes in the social.Contentment is the greatest happiness in the world.

B walk yourself's road, let people talk.

Although the world is full of suffering, but also of the overcoming of it.Achievement is the only real pleasure in life.Solve a problem for me as well as enjoy a holiday.

C a person do not pay attention to small things, will never succeed big business.

Rational factors is the most noble soul.Avoid by all means grandiose stretched out.Rather than too far, too.Caution is much more powerful than bold.

D rather than at the time of death hold a lot of money, it is better to live when to live rich and colorful.

At any time the most true to yourself, this ratio what all important.Make life into a fantasy, fantasy into reality.Happiness lies not in possession of money, but lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative produce.

Total 1-15 questions:

The total number of A ()

The total number of B (a)

The total number of C ()

The total number of D ()

Subtotal 15

Total 16-30 questions:

The total number of A ()

The total number of B (a)

The total number of C ()

The total number of D (

Subtotal 15

Roca character color test _ psychological tests

The total number of character color code

Now gather the number of the two parts together, you will get your personality color sketch scores.

Red: before A + D after the total number of ()

The total number of blue: before after B + C ()

The total number of yellow: after before C + B ()

Green: the former D + after A total number of ()

A total of 30


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