Test: what you the assembly of the lottery in 2014

Test: what you the assembly of the lottery in 2014

In a twinkling, 2014 is coming.The New Year, everybody wants to have a good luck, can be in a lottery, but about the lottery, he range is very wide.Some people canA blind datePhase, some can in a lottery, and some can be taken a fancy to by a hunter, some successful, not impossible.So in 2014 the New Year, you can be in a what kind of lottery, quick to doPsychological testsLook at it!

Test: in 2014, what kind of lottery _ psychological tests you meeting

1, do you like to use a glass of water?

Yes - 2

Not - 3

2, now you even newspaper in sight, nor how to read the papers?

Yes - 3

Not - 4

3, have you ever been to met what acura weirdo?

Yes - 4

Not to 5

4, you are inTo get marriedBefore, when children babysitter?

Yes - 5

Not to 6

5, you pay attention to exercise now?

Yes - 6

Not 7.

6, every year the feast will you buy gifts for the children?

Yes - 7

Not to eight

7, sometimes feel oneself is a guy who do not pay attention to what?

Yes - 8 -

Not - 9

8, when I was a child you ever on tree cut in bird's nest?

Yes - 9

Not - 10

9, you have your own a dish that two?

Yes - 10

Not to 11

10, actually to marry you are more likely to find the steadfast old-fashioned type of person?

Yes - 11

Not to 12

11, basic last time said to lose weight, you are to say or to minus six months?

Yes - 12

Not 13

12, you liked to dig the somebody else's love affairs?

Yes - 13

Not - 14

13, now you are full of money?

Yes - 14

Not to 15

14, what do you think men tying the model is suitable for you?

Yes - 16

Not to 15

15, do you have the habit of wearing a watch?

Yes - 16

Not to 17

16, the following several kinds of fruit, you don't like to eat most?

Apple - 17

Orange - 18

Banana - 19

Pear -

17, in the countryside, which the visitors would you like to sit?

Small wooden bench to 18

Long bench - C

Cane - 19

Bench - D

18, the New Year, which of the following statement do you like best?

Kung hei fat choi -a

Prosperous - 20

Horse - E

19, the New Year, there are many gifts on the table, to pick a gift you give yourself, what would you choose?

A bulging red envelopes - B

A piece of bank card - D

A mobile phone - A

20, under the conditions of hungry, three bundles of things on the desk, you can choose what to eat?

Two slices of toast and a cup of soya-bean milk - E

A bag of oreo cookies and a bottle of milk - C

An apple and a practiceeggs-B

[results] :

What kind of lottery related test: in 2014 the assembly you content

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