How big is your pressure measurement

How big is your pressure measurement

In the modern society, everyone has to face different pressures, comes from social pressure, pressure from life and so on.So how big is your pressure?Collapsed test!!!!

【 title 】

After each question, please mark "not applicable", "occasionally", "frequently used" and "most suitable".

1. I found myself for subtle thing.

2. I seem to be nervous.

3. If blocked, I feel very impatient.

4. I overreact to things are.

5. I found myself easily distracted.

6. I found myself very vulnerable to stimulate.

7. I feel is in a state of high alert for a long time.

8. I feel I am very easy to be offended.

9. I feel a lot of spirit.

10. I find it hard to let oneself to quiet down.

After 11. Stimulated, I find it difficult to calmly.

12. I'm nervous.

13. I find it difficult to relax.

14. I feel uneasy.

15. It's hard for me to stand at work.

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Measure how big is your pressure _ psychological tests


Choose "not applicable" 1, "occasionally used" two points, three points, "frequently used" meter "most suitable" 4 points.

Test results to see the next page:

Measure how big is your stress related content

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