Why stop up your property

Why stop up your property

Why do you want to know your property stopped up?Want to know the answer, quick to do a small test!

【 title 】

Inadvertently, you get a treasure map.According to the map, there is a priceless treasure to hide in an island in the Atlantic ocean.Struggled, how are you not easy on the island.However, when is going to get the treasure, you find the treasure was a monster guarding.The monster may be A listed below one of the four types of monsters, four monsters are respectively A head python, hubei B, C tiger, D eight legsThe spiderPeople.Guarding the treasure monster is what kind of monster listed above will make you more scared?

There are four sorting way, below is lined up according to the four terrorist monster degrees, the most make you feel horrible monster in the front, make you produce lower fearful monster line behind.Please select one of the most close to your idea.There is no standard answer, please don't peep the answer before make a choice.





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Your property why stop up _ psychological test

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