Take what you do now to make money

Take what you do now to make money

Everyone is confused sometimes, everyone wanted to do what I can earn a lot of money, do you want to know that you can make money in which industry?To test it.

【 title 】

1, what do you usually is how to spend the weekend?

Party A, and friends - 7

B, watch TV at home -- - 2

2, you don't like very much, and people face to face communication?

A, yes - 8

B, not - 3

3, you are very like to watch fashion magazines?

A, yes - 9

B, not - 4

4, you have a lot of management leadership?

A, yes - 10

B, not - 5

5, you'd like to put their own interests as a profession?

A, yes - 11

B, not - 6

6, your Suggestions to others always give them a lot of help?

A, yes - 12

B, not - 7

7, you save on your mobile phone number more than one hundred and fifty?

A, yes - 13

B, not - 8

8, you are a super curtilage person?

A, yes - 14

B, not - 9

9, you especially like shopping?

A, yes - 15

B, not - 10

10, many a mickle makes a muckle do you think is the truth?

A, yes - 16

B, not - 11

11, what do you think career has the branch of your word?

A, yes - 17

B, not - 12

12, you has a very cautious attitude to investment?

A, yes - 18

B, not - 13

13, you candrinking?

A, yes - A

B, not - 14

14, you can be alone for a long time and don't feel lonely?

A, yes - B

B, not - 15

15, do you know special praise others?

A, yes - C

B, not - 16

16, you are a patience careful person?

A, yes - D

B, not - 17

17, you don't want to make money too hard?

A, yes - E

B, not - 18

18, you decided what you will do?

A, yes - F

B, not - 19

19, cheerful personality, you love to make friends?

A, yes - A

B, not - B

The answer lies in the following!

Measure what you do can make money _ psychological test

Test results to see the next page:

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