Easy life used to seeing you married

Easy life used to seeing you married

In today's society, in theoryA womanIs quite good to marry, because single a lot, however, oddly enough, women seem to be more than single men.So you easy not married?Quick to do a small test!

【 title 】

A person go out for a walk in the evening, now and then go to the downtown, since to the natural or waste on the trip, just buy something?What would you buy?

A. Buy A book, anyway this evening is also ok, just to kill time

B. go to clothing store, perhaps can find style special beautiful dress

C. buy some fruit, beauty to raise colour and healthy

D. some pastries, tomorrow's breakfast problem solved

The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Life used to seeing you married? _ psychological test easily

measuringTest results:

A. Buy A book, anyway this evening is also ok, just to kill time

Choose this option to friends, it's really hard to marry you.Your requirement for the love and life is very high, so unless the other party not charismatic, and have the ability to provide you with the desire to the romantic life, otherwise you can't tempted, plus you also have some ability and talent, so a high self esteem, and life taste of your degree, few people really can do it, I'm afraid.Be careful, long, nit will make you lose a lot of opportunities.

B. go to clothing store, perhaps can find style special beautiful dress

Select this option to friends, you always floating in the love, looking for your prince charming, but where is the good man.Love, you will be desperate, even if it doesn't matter carried the full rights of a third party, it's a pity that you the enthusiasm is not durable, less than three days, and sleep when you choose is wrong, then immediately retreat back to camp, find a good branch.Is not hard to do you want to marry, as long as the attack to think twice before, to find the right person can have a good home to return to nature.

C. buy some fruit, beauty to raise colour and healthy

Choose this option to friends, as long as you let go of the past, new homes to be "crazy" is your label, devote herself to love, also require the other party unswervingly love you.See everything you need to be more beautiful, once hurt, for a long time to recover."Actually confused" is the best, in the love the way you hold on to the love is good, but you have one thousand fate no longer, don't be preoccupied with trying to call each other's love.In the past, let bygones be bygones!

D. some pastries, problem solved (breakfast tomorrow morningPsychological tests /test/)

Choose this option to friends, be careful be swayed by considerations of gain and loss will make you miss love, life is very realistic, you never wronged yourself, make yourself comfortable is your goal, you won't to love a person in love under duress, although the occasional impulse, but the final reason to the upper hand, but sometimes too care about the balance of give-and-take, can let a person feel you not love him.

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