Test your love fresh enough?Test your love

Test your love fresh enough?Test your love how old?

People with age, love also have age, many people also have a shelf life of love, you want to know your love fresh enough?Have a look at your "age" of love have how old?

1, if a friend temporarily cancel the appointment, how would you arrange your time?

A, go where want to stroll around early.2 -

B, to call another friend to come out.2 -

C, nothing to do, the mood is very boring to hang around.- 3

2, on the Internet chat room have stranger to strike up a conversation with you, what will you do?

A, try to chat to see first, if good will leave E-mail - 3

B, keep talking to each other ambiguous space - 4

C, immediately run away or don't respond to him - 4

3, if you receive a lover to send your ring, where will you put finger?

A, the middle finger - 4

B, ring finger - 4

C, the little finger - 5

4, if love hate one of your friends, would you?

A, with the friend from sever ties - 5

Unbeknown to his lover, B, contact with the friend - 6

- 6 C, completely ignore the lover's complaints

5, street when lover ask you kiss him, will you?

A, kiss, why not?Immediately respond warmly - 6

B, said he would be shy, kiss on the cheek or hand as a concession - 6

C, rebuff - 7

6, the story of Snow White, what is your favorite scene?

A, Snow White, 8 in A little house and began to sleep

B, for the production of glass coffin princess - seven little people

C, the prince to help the princess to poison apple fell out, and the princess woke up - 8

Series 7, a husband and wife an affair, you most likely to agree that role?

A and the party affairs - 9

B - 8 took notice, waiting for the party

C, a third party - 8

8, you see the side of the road have personal kept watch while waiting, do you think he is?

A, dating A lover, but each other late - 11

B, waiting for the bus, the bus didn't come, he'll be late - 10

C, friend or lover in the bank to handle affairs, when he is waiting for the other things busy - 9

9, you and your lover about a new restaurant for dinner, you can choose which seat?

A, the window seat - 10

B, most can appreciate the position of the piano - 12

C, the corner position - 10

10, you walk through a store, there was a fragrance, do you think that is?

A, freshly baked bread, sweet - 11

B, with the fragrance of fruit perfume - B

C, coffee - D

11, whisper you see two people is, what do you think of listening to the man who will react?

A, don't talk - C lines on her brow

B, powerful bite the smile - A

Choose good, will reveal the answer to you immediately.

Test your love fresh enough?Test your love years _ psychological tests


Love index kindergarten age, do you like to change the complicated love experience, refused to mediocrity and even boring boring life can also transform the infinite pattern.


Age index of pupils love, your love is fresh but also added in your love have much practical part of the planning for later life.


Age index in love, your love is in the youth rebellious period, so must to cherish well, through this journey.

D: (Psychological tests /test/)

Love and age index of college students, in the face of love you have a good understanding, intentional also appear to be the tacit understanding between you and a good plan for your future.

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