Who was destined to decree by destiny with you without points

Who was destined to decree by destiny with you without points

Do you want to know, who will be with you in the relationship is predestined friends the no points?Want to know the answer, quick to do a small test!

【 title 】

Q1. Before you have a pink hug a bear and a powerful telescope, which one do you prefer?

The telescope hold bear - 4-2

Q2. What do you think the appearance of the bowling ball and football is more beautiful?

The bowling ball - 7 football - 5

Q3. Do you think of the tomatoeggsStill white boiled vegetables to eat delicious?

Tomato scrambled eggs boiled vegetables - 8-6 white

Q4. What do you think of the crystal and jade which one is more beautiful?

Jade crystal - 3-7

Q5. Before you have a glass of lemonade and a cup of ice cream, if can only take one, which would you choose?

Ice cream - 10 lemonade - 8

Q6. Which one do you think that the piano and the violin voice more beautiful?

Piano - 9-11 on the violin

Q7. What do you like to see the dog?

Begging - 10 poop everywhere - 6

Q8. Which do you prefer blue or orange?

Blue - 11-13 orange

Q9. Communicate with your friends, the majority is mostly in the opposite sex friend or gay friend?

Members of the opposite sex - 14-16

Q10. If you're going to use a picture to decorate a room, the following would you choose which kind of style of painting?

Landscape or flower drawings - 9 cartoons or star - 13

Q11. What do you think of my childhood is the most memorable game?

Hide and seek or elastics - 12 play house or play doctor - 14

Q12. Do you think men should have the sun, as supple gentle women should be like the moon?

Yes - not - 17 18

Q13. What would you most like to have a piece of jewelry is?

Mosaic gold tail ring - 19 silver bracelet - 16

Q14 during April 12-15. Do you think a candlelit dinner which a more romantic and grass for a picnic?

The grass for a picnic - 20-18 candlelight dinner

Q15. If you want to draw a picture at night, what in your picture?

One such as hook of the crescent moon and the stars - E

Round full moon and stars - type D

Q16. Colored pencils and crayons, by contrast, which one do you prefer?

Color pencil - 15 crayons - 20

Q17. What do you most often change?

Hair accessories - bags - type B

Q18. Love your sign analysis?

Feel quite obsession - general - type B type A

Q19. What do you most like to appear in your dreams?

The fairy or angel - 21 people - 15

Q20. If you draw a creature on a leaf, what can you draw?

Small caterpillar or frogs - C type

A snail or a butterfly - type D

Q21. What do you like keeping goldfish or a cat dog?

Kitten doggie - C goldfish - F type

You were meant to be and who decree by destiny no points?The answer lies in the following, then read on!

Who was destined to decree by destiny with you without points _ psychological test

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The duke of zhou interprets of query