Measure is suitable for your partner

Measure is suitable for your partner

Do you know about yourself?You know you are the other half of the future?He would be hit you mate?Who is the most suitable for you?Might as well to do a test, identify yourself, also understand the present.You may think you are appearance association, have their own like a particular type, but did you know, the most suitable person when your partner is a what kind?Fast to test.

To begin testing:

1. What kind of the opposite sex and you will want to date?

A. look honest and introverted (2)

B. will play and will know dress up (3)

2. There is someone at the watch while running, he was late for 5 minutes, do you think he want to psychological?

A. five points is not late for (4)

B. no!Be late!(5)

3. A housewife is clean, do you think she is?

A. I want to be swept clean (6)

B. done almost went, you can go to the novel (4)

4. There is a girl through from your side, and to a very sweet taste, do you think what kind of perfume?

A. a sweet fruit (7)

B. light floral (9)

5. You and your friends go togetherHave a meal, paid the money out of the restaurant only to find that the clerk less 10 yuan for you, will you do then?

A. back to where he wants to come back (9)

B. only 10 yuan to calculate (8)

6. There is a bird from the cage fly away, what do you think of

A. the bird will come back again (7)

B. will not come back (10)

7. See anyone shoving the trash on the way, what do you think?

A. do not forgive such people (12)

B. it's not a feeling (10)

8. A friend to your house, what kind of gifts do you like?

A. flowers or accessories (16)

B. cake or food (11)

9. You are in the middle of reading a book while litter think things in the quilt, later.....

A. you may well fall asleep (12)

B. will be more and more sober (8)

You are running for their lives, what do you think is running after you?

A. or lionThe tiger(13)

B. he (14)

11. You see there are holes in the ground: what would you think?

A. what is?(15)

B. it's too dangerous, or hurry to cover!(after A)

12. The books on the shelf down, look at sixes and sevens, at this time you'll finish?

A. will (16)

B. does not (13)

13. A man is whisper to another person, what do you think he has heard after reaction is?

A. could not help but laugh (17)

B. a face of heavy (18), with a frown

14. There is a woman to a man, the sword and the woman would say to him?

A. "I hate you, so I want to kill you!"(18)

B. "come and I want to stab the past again!"(D)

15. Do you want to look for work, the following 2 companies which would you choose that one?

A. can let a person grow company (D)

B. the stability of the company (b)

16. Friends for dinner, please, you already very full, he has been advised you have dessert, will you do then?

A. again full also can eat (17)

B. very decisive refused to (15)

17. When buying a new appliance, about the instruction, will you?

A. must see first (C) carefully before using

B. they seldom watch (b)

18. Below the kind of person makes you can't stand?

A. petty and repetitive (D)

B. work literally of person (C)

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