Sixty jia let things around in a pocket
First, you must memorize in turn 60 jia sequence table.
Sixty jia sequence table
1 jia 11 JiaQu 21 JiaShen 31 sino-japanese 41 let-out JiaYin 51
2 YiChou 12 b hai and YiYou 32 b 42 b has no 52 b frame
3 BingYin 13 c son 23 c xu-gou 33 BingShen 43 c noon 53 c
4 Ding Mao 14 ox 24 ding hai 34 cubed Ding You 44 54 not the third
5 wu-cheng 15 WuYin 25 e son 35 45 e "movement of 55 e noon
Has ugly JiSi 16 JiMao 26 36 hai 46 has 56 has not unitary
On 27 July 17 GengChen GengWu heptyl Yin 37 xu-gou 57 GengShen boxer 47 g
8 now 18 sheen has 58 XinYou 48 xinhai 28 XinMao 38 national
9 RenShen 19 horse on 29 39 nonyl nonyl Chen Yin 49 RenZi 59 nonyl xu-gou
10 decyl unitary 20 decyl not 30 decyl have 40 decyl bases 50 decyl ugly 60 decyl hai
In the column
1. Identify any AD in power;
Minus the difference between the three, as long as the year divided by 60, the remainder, is the number of power list.
For example, for the power of 1995?
(1995-3) / 60 = 12, the serial number 12 is b hai.So the power is 1995 b hai.
2. Given the years of power, and seeking other years in power.
For example: power is 1996 c, for the power of 1955?
The third son of the serial number is 13.1996-1955 = 41, 13 41 reduction is not enough, is 60.(13 + 60) - 41 = 32.The serial number 32 b did not.Therefore, b is not the power in 1955.
Introduce the back when not in 60 jia serial number on the table, for the power of the year.
1. For the years of air-dried.In the single digits to decrease 3 or 7, the result is air-dried serial number.For example, in 1995, its single digit is 5, 5 + 3 = 2 or 5 + 7 = 12, single digits are 2, column names for b in 1995 years.
2. Ask the guides.Is the number of years, divided by 12.The remainder is 3 or 9, for gan ordinal.
For example: 1995/12 = 166 · · · · · · 3, 3, 3 = 0 or 3 + 9 = 12.So 1995 years column number for hai.Combining the Chinese era is b hai.
If only know nominal age a person's age, born to a year in column, available handheld push in dry process:
For example, is the year of e son, someone, 56, asks the someone born in the column of the year.By palm son e son is one year old, clockwise every a constant bit number "WuYin 11" figures "wu-cheng 21", noon a number on the "e noon 31," seat number "e" 41, seat number "51" movement of the child seat number "e 61 - year - old son" (that is, the number to 56 a e) after the nominal age, starting from next air-dried clockwise one by one to the nominal age "ugly" 60, Yin 59 "g", "XinMao 58," "nonyl Calvin, 57," "decyl have 56".56 nominal age, its dry years years is decyl, combined to meddle in number, a stranger is decyl the third year.
Again, for example: today is a e son, his 71 - year - old, for its raw power, can be directly up the 61 - year - old "e 61 - year - old son", "WuYin 71".The 71 - year - old for WuYin for a quick.
Month column, the column
Dun dry mathematical method: A table
Party a and party b c d e f g symplectic nonyl decyl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Child ugly Yin bases tatsumi noon not "unitary xu-gou hai
Air-dried, 1 on behalf of a, 2 b, 3 on behalf of the c...
Gan, 1 on behalf of the child, 2, 3, on behalf of the ugly, 3 represents Yin...
Dun dry is due to the dry close by, so remember to do with the number of us.Table B
2 4 6 8 0
Party a and party b c d e
F heptyl symplectic nonyl decyl
To keep in mind the above figures, to realize the air-dried of birth month or raw air-dried, can play out soon:
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