Folk day good or ill luck, misunderstanding and accurate date method (2)
Is five lines of day
Lesson is five days, according to the properties of the five elements, the lessons of restraint, punishment, blunt, harm is discussed., the same as the horoscope prediction is a little difference is the figure of eight is born is fixed, and are five line, is by the candidate.Want to use is five lines of course, first of all to understand Chinese era and 24 mountain five lines of attributes:
A, air-dried five lines: party a and party b belongs to wood, BingDing belongs to fire, e f soil, heptyl symplectic belongs to the gold, nonyl decyl belongs to the water.
2, line number five: Yin bases belongs to wood, have lunch, fire, water ShenYou belongs to gold, hai son, Chen xu-gou ugly not belong to the earth.
Three, five lines of 24 mountain: 24 mountain is composed of eight dry four and 12 earthly branches, send in the acquired gossip, each tube three mountain, mount of 24, for Yin YangZhai to register for the head, geographical Long Li geomantic learn to grid to, sand and water are inseparable from 24 mountain.Its behavior: Yin xun JiaMao b belongs to the wood, have c noon d fire, ShenGengYou XinGan gold, hai RenZi decyl water, Calvin xu-gou ugly not kun gen belongs to the earth.
Four, understand the air-dried, earthly branches after the five elements, and then choose four pillars and four columns is the key to choose day class, whether it's a day to row four pillars and four columns by the year, month, day, when air-dried, gan, four-column the simplest method is to checkcalendar, you can see some fortune or prediction scholars.
Five, the next step:
To see the mountain of years home whether geely, so-called geely, is in mountain cannot commit three killed, or made three month.
Triple play is:
Three killed in ShenZiChen year: the third, c, sixth, butyl, not mountains.
Yin sixth year of three killed in: Yin, decyl nonyl, son, ugly, mountain.
Three killed in hai bases not year: ", heptane, unitary, sheen, mountain.
On the third three killed in unitary ugly year: Yin, armour, bases and b, mountain.
The killing of the three month is:
ShenZiChen month three killed in: the third, c, and before noon, butyl mountain;
Three Yin afternoon, xu-gou month killed in: hai, decyl nonyl,,, ugly;
Hai bases not on three killed in: ", age, unitary, xin), mountain;
Third unitary ugly month three killed in: Yin, armour, bases, and b, mountain.
Day three killed is lighter, choose lesson can, as long as the year and month on the day when (date) (month) (year) when the three killed all earthly branches, such as for JiaShen year this year, make the three kill mountain: third, c, and before noon, butyl five mountain, is now a Ding Mao month make three killed, age, and unitary, xin), five mountain.
Choose good years making no three kill mountain, also look at tai sui and seven evil spirit (years old), the so-called tai sui is benmingnian.Such as: JiaShen years, JiaShen is traditional, tai sui avoid is repaired, and the launch of a seven year of evil spirit is the traditional hedge, such as: JiaShen years, seven evil spirit in Yin mountain, avoid building, digging, burial, etc.;In addition, is five lines of day to avoid: monthly, abortion, is Yin operator, alongside Yin operator, earth officer operators such as killing a bunch of god.Choose the good years, the key is selected, the selected method are many, many Chinese fishermen are now is based on on the auspicious day of xuanze shu in selection, days and years of life to cooperate with mountain home, days generally cannot flush mount and years of life, rush is fierce, timing is the last step, as the saying goes in month is better than good, month is better than good day, when the day is better than good, so the timing is very important, lane is bad to be a debacle.Commonly used when choosing liuhe, if you do not choose the liuhe with triad may also, just liuhe power is greater than the power of the triad.Gan had the liuhe or triad, far to see the relationship between dry and dry, air-dried can't day air-dried, them doing day is the worst, the five elements also cannot use.With empty wu also cannot use, the so-called empty is not in place.
Is five lines of day to make pattern, the so-called into lattice is
Heaven and earth with stream such as child: decyl hai years on, decyl hai, hai, decyl HaiShi;
Tianyuan up like a mountain with: XinMao in, on, now national, symplectic MaoShi;
Earthly branch in such as Yin mountain with: RenShen years on, RenShen, e ", e ShenShi;
Air-dried with three friends such as decanoic mountain: national years, decyl the third month, decyl unitary, decyl ChouShi;
Our earthly branch in such as using: YiYou in, on, YiYou YiYou, YiYou;
Three friends and earthly branches, butterfly threesome air-dried three, and so on. A bureau is to have a triad bureau, liuhe, three rounds have horse noble of three people;Day 2, DE noble, etc.
Is is the basis of the day to learn the five elements, this case is some introductory knowledge, are the five elements has a very wide range of USES, the many kinds of method are from the five elements of the nativity.Is five lines of selected day is mainly dry is given priority to, eight have root to customs clearance, to grow the ri Chen have spirit, so as to achieve helped mountain of the Lord.Alone is five lines of the nativity at present not much, how accurate it, we must sum up experience in practice, to proof
Introduction to date (pick an auspicious day) day of cold air wu feng shui formula
A meridian swim, YiGeng Yin, "o c XinYou bases,
Ding nonyl ugly not sorrow, e decyl hinder our, sound grams is sorrow.
Feng shui day fall table of empty wu formula
Hai defensibly cream bases are not life son tatsumi life noon is not true,
Yin afternoon bases, life avoid is ugly, ShenYou ugly life unitary note.
One of the nativity in feng shui matte formula
Desperate if gan chong, sound phase grams of disaster,
The children are terrible one light, outlaw is poor.
Feng shui day white tiger eat bone (avoid buried) formula of the meridional most avoid is JiaGeng party, their unitary does not enter the nonyl c #, fisherman's Yin ", avoid is decyl,
Third hai not buried YiXin door, Calvin defensibly avoid town dry xun, fisherman's ugly not khun gen grave.
Feng shui the departures of nativity buried the following 60 days, of all who are called, departures, burial nearly sharks do not avoid it.
Jia, a note, JiaShen Japanese national, e and nonyl strangers, sino-japanese, let-out, butyl JiaYin days have, boxer, GengChen, decyl have, decyl not strangers, YiChou, b hai, YiMao day simba have born, b, c, b, b have not, YiMao c, BingShen, c, e strangers, BingYin, c, c c note day noon, ox, jia, strangers BingShen lunch, c, b, c, JiSi, butyl, let-out, JiaShen strangers, Ding Mao, ox, ding hai day JiaShen, decyl not, the third, ding hai, a stranger, Ding You Ding You, ding, ding have days, not accessible, boxer strangers, decyl wu-cheng, WuYin, e, unitary, decyl not, let-out lunch and JiMao strangers, c, c, e note, e ", e midday decyl hai, note, now was a stranger, JiSi, JiMao, self has not ugly, not strangers, let-out, ding hai, butyl, hai, have a unitary, not accessible now, GengShen, c defensibly strangers, GengWu, GengChen, heptyl Yin, nonyl, wu-cheng, e defensibly strangers of the boxer, note, GengShen day b, national, simba have not strangers, now, the third, XinMao days have a unitary, to their own ugly, not, not, now was a stranger, National Day, xinhai, XinYou horse, xinhai, GengChen strangers, RenShen, horse and nonyl ding, the third, nonyl Yin, RenShen strangers, nonyl Yin, RenZi, nonyl let-out, butyl, JiSi, xu-gou, XinYou strangers, decyl unitary, decyl failed, decyl have xinhai, national, JiaShen, sino-japanese and c strangers, decyl bases, decyl ugly, decyl ding hai, the third, fourth, JiaYin, not BingYin strangers.
Feng shui day by day of the nativity encoffining ceremony ji
Jia, a defensibly and nonyl, b, YiYou, JiaYin, appropriate is used ", YouShi YiMao day.
BingYin, nonyl Yin, b have appropriate USES, HaiShi, the third day.Decyl, to their own ugly, XinMao, not ugly, HaiShi decyl bases, appropriate is used.
Lunch and ShenShi JiSi, has not appropriate USES.B hai, appropriate USES the third, HaiShi JiaShen day.
Appropriate USES not, shen, HaiShi RenShen day.Decyl unitary, appropriate is used ", have.
YiChou, ox, midday appropriate USES c bases, have.GengWu, WuYin, appropriate USES Calvin, SiShi GengShen day.
C, appropriate USES bases, have BingShen day.C note, boxer, appropriate USES xu-gou, HaiShi.
Heptyl Yin, appropriate USES Yin, ugly, ShenShi.Ding You, appropriate USES Yin, sockets, have.
Wu-cheng, JiMao, GengChen, sino-japanese, e noon, e note, have a hai, note, decyl hai, unitary appropriate USES the third, ShenShi.
Ding not, c, appropriate USES the third, HaiShi.Ding Mao, appropriate USES Yin, sockets, noon.
Decyl third, decyl ugly, appropriate USES ugly, at the seventh hour.National, nonyl ugly, YinShi defensibly, appropriate is used.
Third, horse, ding hai of xinhai, appropriate USES the third day, at the seventh hour.E son, let-out, e ", appropriate USES Yin, ShenShi XinYou day.
Now, appropriate USES the third, noon, and at the seventh hour.When appropriate USES Calvin defensibly RenZi day.
More departures, buried in addition to the note heavy, heavy loss, its loss, fu funeral daily use precious system is auspicious.
Feng shui traditional five elements of the nativity
Hai RenZi decyl big river, JiaYin YiMao xun wood board, the third c noon d are fire,
Defensibly ugly not GengShen XinYou dry gold, Chen kun gen soil, this is five lines of ancestors.
Feng shui hung fan five lines of the nativity
JiaYin xun in the great river, along with candy XinShen water of the gen shock mount has the original wood,
Afternoon I c b fire cases, the Ding Gan hai kinson, ugly decyl kun heptyl soils.
Feng shui of the first five lines of bucket of nativity
RenZi xun has XinQu soil, gen Yin ding yuan god not wood, decyl ugly c hai fire noon,
ShenMao kun "belong to mercury, you ask where Venus is that YiGengChen four mountain is unitary.
Feng shui Yin fu five lines of the nativity
Gen c xun is water, dry from Yin defensibly dust, the ding have ugly nonyl dry wood,
He camp ShenChen decyl room fire, shock heptyl hai kun in b, Jin Zhenggang into the west.
Feng shui day five lines of gossip
Dry armour against the fourth have ugly gold, nonyl Yin defensibly fire, Lin xun XinZhenGeng hai is not wood,
Candy decyl ShenChen living water deep, gen c b 4 g of five, belongs to the root had big Yin.
Feng shui, the sound of five lines of nativity
Meridian silver lamp wall hook, defensibly smoke filled with temple tower,
Yin ShenSha pile of wood is wet, it is na jia song.
Feng shui has paid five lines of the nativity
RenZi YiChen kun "water, decyl ugly xun has heptyl unitary gold, gen Yin c noon, our fire,
JiaMao ding hai water wet, xun male triad, seated on the mountain to the appropriate presumption.
Feng shui xuan empty five lines of nativity
BingDing YiYou original belongs to fire, to sit on their sixth gold, hai decyl gen is Jupiter,
E g is really ugly without soil, xun zi Yin Chen "and the third, sheen with nonyl parties is the water god.
The number of big yan miao feng shui day
A f meridian number nine, YiGeng ugly not eight when first, c XinYinShen number seven,
Ding Renmao unitary number six, e decyl defensibly e number five, has gived the number four teach jun.
Feng shui net of Yin and Yang of the nativity
Dry, party a and party b in j ShenChen I leave and Yin defensibly with mountain and water, Yang,
Gen c xun XinDui in d shock has ugly g hai not Yin with mountain and water.
The day of Yin and Yang feng shui set a date
Qiankun candy from congenital Yang, shock against the gen xun belong to Yin,
Dry candy gen day Yang after the quake, xun from XinGuang belong to Yin.
Feng shui gas five lines of the nativity
A f soil YiGeng gold, Ding Renhua mywood forest,
C XinHua waters go, e decyl south fire inflammation.
Feng shui of the nativity pursues
Hai zi YiLiu water to north, east rong Yin bases, 38 wood, have lunch erqi south flame,
ShenYou golden west, Calvin defensibly ugly number did not ask, to total 50 middle-earth.
Feng shui shu of the nativity
From the f number of sectional jiujiu,, e copy number 2, shock heptyl commandingofficer left,
Against the Nadine right number of groups, he b for shoulder two number, xun sheen to shoulder number four,
Dry, armour for sufficient number six, gen c for the full eight number.
Feng shui get star five lines of nativity
Calvin ugly not belong to the gold of the Yin ", the third hai is the Yangtze river water, dry xun of gen the original wood,
Meridian bases unitary sun fire, JiaGeng c nonyl vulcan, YiXin decyl is soil,
This is the true secret, the secret sand sand knowledge points and 27 degrees.
Feng shui gossip triad of nativity
The hexagrams in the triad dry ding, he is a nonyl b gen sheen,
Xun heptyl decyl xi is sticks, mouth to des close shot.
Feng shui of wenchang noble nativity
A third YiWu valproic ShenDingJi unitary a heptyl hai,
XinZi nonyl Yin decyl see bases, literati and into the academician.
Feng shui shu five lines of the nativity
Dry, water kun against fire, gen xun from gold shock belongs to wood,
Gen soil dry against the genus jin kun, candy water shock xun wood from the fire.
Set the theory of the five elements
Name is differ, the five elements theory of the family has a pipe in the first five lines, have paid five lines, have a triad, the five elements in a gas, the five elements have big five lines, with the five line, its use is different, or is its location, or the theory of its direction, or to the stars, or push the climate of access, their forms.Five elements, is there will be a change, is five line, five lines of traditional, the root of the original, all the home five lines of of variation, the nature of pop!What is the change, this belongs to the wood with very close and the earth, the names of the legalization of change, this belongs to the water and ugly and the soil, Chen this earthy and unitary and gold, and son "rendezvous and chemical water again, here the legalization of the change, the power of change.And restraint is changed in it!Of the system is changed, from the mountains every nonyl c for seven kill is keshan yi, ding to close nonyl nonyl cannot g in c, and Ding Renhua wood raw c mountain, restraint of miao yi, this lifetime to clear the family of five lines of action!As for the big five line, five lines, is the element of change, change is five lines are nothing more than!The choice of method, notice all the element of change, and restraint, it is wonderful!God but also, and wisely to society without error, is in the flexible use of person!
The theory of feng shui of noble lu ma nativity
Theory all noble Ma Sanji lattice of eloth, your Ma Yuan to the mountains for, had to times, such as buried hill, the lu Yin, such as Yin Yin Yin year month day YinShi of heap eloth, if use on Yin Yin in bases MaoShi of GongLuGe, on noon and afternoon years xu-gou QuShi for remote eloth, with hai hai hai year month day HaiShi called lu lattice.If buried Yin mountain, with a, a, a year a month for into eloth, yue: four pillars on lu Yin mountain.Take your eloth, but outside of your horse, but there should be four Malaysia beauty.Outside its and jiugong flying crane, LiuRen month overtime noble lu ma to the mountain to the all for god, always less noble lu Ma Zhili also within four pillars.
The theory of feng shui fill mountain phase of the nativity
Fill mountains, said of the ShuLun to talk, not to its gist.What is a complementary mountain?Yin and Yang are two house, all grasp to enrage the skylight, although the birth of the husband.So everyone who was buried maker should be helped to fill the five elements, are adhered to by air, can be the skylight to take root, and f auspicious auspicious, the ancients called how, I all heavy dragon fill five lines of the company, five lines of each order, sometimes vested enveloped grow the qi, not printing more than four column, must be fiscal officer with the harmonic society.Big hong tian yuan song yue: the world choose heavy power, hard luck the American life.
Feng shui's theory on the shaft made nativity
Vertical residence, people born from the house, house prosperous people hing, failure curtilage, beaten residence maker cannot inadvertent nativity also!Every day home maker, see sit to first years in Italy, grow the otaku, five six aerial lift residence, aurin destiny yuet's gas phase ratio and life, first yuan LianWu reside in, after five star to sit to day emperor sun sun, or take too YiWuFu, big three stars LiuRen play birds pass four class, again to day, month, DE noble lu horse to ride to the age, and made the grow of life.Choose, every line must be appropriate wall, liang times, flat is the base of the launch of a people conception of reason, line wall is sitting to yourself, fate comes, such as people born with a silver spoon in her mouth was already set!Taking nativity, four-column most appropriate for building prosperous phase, 24 mountain sits to gold, each have prosperous phase.Such as Yin every month, party a and party b, as dry BingDing day for phase, appropriate sit east to Mr. Hickey degrees gold, such as the third sixth month, BingDing day for flourishing, e has been dry for phase, Kim ji degree points should sit south to the north, such as ShenYou month, heptyl XinRi for flourishing, nonyl decyl day for phase, appropriate sitting west XiangDongJi points of gold, and gived the month, nonyl decyl day as dry, dry for phase, party a and party b should sit north to south, degree of gold, and Chen "ugly not month of the e day as dry, heptyl XinRi for phase, all enveloped born mong gas that is a good day.On a the ancients to Yin, on b frame, on the third c, and sixth month Ding Ri, "month GengRi, unitary XinRi, on nonyl hai, on decyl son, both enveloped and eloth, also is auspicious.And birth month e day of the ugly on themselves did not, though not eloth, take-home enveloped qi, the appropriate service, however (ji refers to its theory also!Four pillars to dry for jun, gan for princes, this match must be a lattice is a wonderful!If value take up airless, four-column than you must take your surname and qi, want to help the azimuth of raw access is the nativity auspicious!
Feng shui theory of burial of the nativity
Is buried, people take their cut, suspected by yue: dragon day fierce evil starts, choice of the date of the most important.Burial, for appropriate mountain dragon month in Italy, and see the mountains luck win all quite out of breath.Five six gas for the mountain dragon, and take the pure yuet noble eloth, horse, and age, day, month, day emperor, the resistance to the sun, too, in the five stars, star ferry sit to close at hand.And sit to dou LianWu song yuan ju, and the earthly branches, plus too YiWuFu, and big LiuRen and three pass four class in poultry.Selection method, four column to help the raw gas, should choose the best also, such as heaven and earth with the flow, only ten, JiaQu, YiYou, BingShen, d, e afternoon, already have not, GengChen, XinMao, nonyl Yin, decyl hai, with four pillars, is for the heaven and earth with the flow, in most case, very rare, sixty years only four or five times.Tianyuan complicit in, dry with a different, gan in lattice, with different dry, air-dried three friends, gan three friends, three friends of the case, is inferior to a spirit, the second year of, and the five permanent members, such as dry, party a and party b, gan hai all bases not for its merits, such as BingDing dry, gan Yin afternoon for inflammation in case of the all like heptyl XinRi dry, earthly branches all have unitary ugly for the leather case, such as nonyl decyl dry, guides the whole ShenZiChen for downwards, e has dried, guides the Calvin xu-gou ugly not for farm.Have four delicate, party a and party b, on dry gan Yin bases are for delicate, east BingDing day number have lunch not delicate, for the south heptyl XinRi gan dry ShenYou for western delicate lattice of the nonyl decyl day dry gan hai son ugly delicate lattice in the north of China.Triad bureau, ShenZiChen close to water bureau, hai frame does not fit into a wooden board, Yin afternoon, close to the fire bureau of the third unitary ugly into gold bureau.Choose not the p5, must take into use, will have ChengFangJu, eastern, have lunch, not south Yin bases, Chen ShenYou is western, hai ugly north of the choice may not be delicate, must take the rendezvous.Officer wang zhen bureau, hai son for water officer, officer wang zhen Yin bases for wood, the third afternoon for fire officer, ShenYou Jin Guanwang.Selection must take officer shall not square.And not the above three strange case, a, e g YiBingDing.Building was buried to the topography, higher neutralization, all for the class, into JiYao as to the walls in the mountain, and full body, time-varying and general, auspicious and correct!
The day of AnZao repair the kitchen
Stove for life ", is one of the original.Fishermen cannot inadvertent also!Choice of law, as the person that weigh, curtilage female, curtilage woman, a birth, to GongLu GongGuiSheng prosperous and faintly upon shef, press upon shef belongs to the five elements, such as Jupiter in spring and summer, such as upon shef jinshui two star, appropriate USES qiu dong, if upon shef are appropriate in the four seasons.According to a valproic heptyl nonyl YangYi with lu yuan and longevity, and ethyl butyl have sheen decyl for Yin, appropriate USES longevity lu yuan for us.Day, for I decyl armour YiGengXin times, access is appropriate for the autumn, winter and spring, summer and times.For kitchen most avoid is used a: c day, are never smoke, four from the day, four unique white, four scraps and RenZi, namely the kitchen god dead day!
Marry jade calendar of broken Jin Fu nativity
Of marry said auspicious, female imposed on the stage, first time with male life with optional,
Female life as the main geely, monthly interest period xi emperor backup, not xi three fitting to season,
Five liuhe profit after use, when Japanese scrutiny, Zhou Tang value, and value,
This day will never be yours, to marry god evil spirit many cream, two, three, in the solution,
Rosefinch away four cross day, death to death to avoid suspension, month without WengRi anaerobes,
Anaerobic for no gu kickback, hanging twisted free day, all fell off empty wu miao jade emperor,
Hai can't marry the arrow blade, rosefinch kun GongTianDe solution, the dog white tiger and rosefinch,
Only people's days, true star day xi and heir, day don't burst power,
Male sun be the spirit xi vulva, surely if blunt bullet, taboo buried childhood into the room,
No blade should not avoid flow chardonnay, theory of red push to his heir die stars tomb,
Three characters without full use the most appropriate, the father cut child tiger tun, son, two, three, the sun,
Blunt tire tire ganjitsu is, select the class don't avoid is in accordance with, kill, kill women will save,
Sent to avoid days for later, emperor save to save the woman after, and appropriate will three people,
T get this secret, kill, kill women mowgli, no room to kill month really stirred the son,
Upon shef have spirit more than the son, female life xi lu, with the husband eiko set xing tong,
Santoku three and noble, and the killed Pang to move, jade through secret book,
God kill shelter in succession, system choice is the true machine.
Marry theory of nativity
Marry with, choose to marry the class theory of law, in short two made a turn things around, so the hexagrams your arch kiss men and women.Remedial push, star's grasp, root, Chen "to cooperate.Method depends on four pillars of the nativity, his star day heir to grow the may order and what a pattern, teacher, only to her husband, "teacher, rib, and the rest will be into the class, it is wonderful too!Take it not to trine five liuhe d day, month, day happy day age detian tianrui days later sent day forgive JiQi et the onstar.Avoid is four from four unique Zhou Tang value, and value, namely at the beginning of the first day of each month for seven days at the beginning of 9, 15, 17, 23, 25 and avoid hai ugly poor poor month month and month breaking four months to avoid too disgusted to wu red sand die and solitary Calvin lodge fell off as the devils.However the ancient theory of lushi marry number of classes according to their Yin and Yang of distinguishes the barge, as auspicious is wonderful!
The theory of nativity rosefinch into the palace
Rosefinch move into GongJun mo, finch he marry is not appropriate, dry GongAn bed against the workover,
Disease is not suspicion, gen refund buddhist nunnery xun logging, door and avoid birds from the gentry,
Ditch shock trim hutch, a house is a disadvantage, as its method in mountain,
Jia into GongShun calculate, such as YiChou avoid logging in xun palace, all with push also!
Marry next couple sitting and kyrgyzstan
A wooden female: sit xun longevity, descendants of gen y, a into the grange.
B wooden female: sit Fang Zisun c, party a longevity, gen is old.
C w: fire gen Fang Zisun, xun longevity, party c is old.
Butyl female: fire party b longevity, xun Fang Zisun, c yi weng brighter.
E soil female: sit xun longevity, gen party into the field, c Fang Zisun.
Has soil female: sit XinFang sons, xun riches and honour, Ding Yi weng brighter.
Heptyl gold female: sit kun Fang Zisun, heptyl nonyl longevity, xun is old.
XinJin female: sit heptyl longevity, decyl kun, xun is old.
Fang Zisun nonyl water female: sit, kun fu-gui fang, decyl yi weng brighter.
Female decyl water: sit descendants of party a, decyl longevity, party b is old.
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