In 1893, belong to what Chinese zodiac

In 1893, belong to what Chinese zodiac

Q: what is 1893 Chinese zodiac?

A: 1893A snake

And what the animal sign is the most worthy of a snake

Proper match: monkey, cow, chicken big auspicious, the animal sign in yuanyang, suitable for ferro, accomplishments, vertical adachi, fame and fortune, a lifetime of happiness.

Avoid match: pig, tiger, family although no big hardships and failures, but the alienation of husband and wife, ZiXi lack, woes end, outlook ominous.

Explanation: the snake and monkey liuhe, therefore find the most appropriate aA monkey,On the object, this is fine.Followed by chicken with unitary mao-tu triad, so also should find aroosterorBelong to cowThis is a great marriage.Snake in opposition with pig, therefore the most avoid is looking forIs a pigAnd this is down marriage.Snake with tiger, this is an inferior marriage;Sometimes speak Yin, the third, "three punishment, so the three people should not constitute the pattern of the snake, tiger, monkey.

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