Xiehouyu about dogs

Xiehouyu _ zodiac about dogs

The dog's xiehouyu

The dog wear hat - big man

Dog bone - dry the wait

Dog treats spots - bear home

See the owners - hideko notani opened deco

The dog chased the duck - he croaked

The dog catch mice - mind their own business

Dog meat balls - not on the seats

Chief strategist - out any ideas

Dog lift door curtain - with a smelly mouth

The dog's tail - up higher

Bears pull plough - don't listen to that one

Bear to break off the stick - the last one

bearRide a bicycle- look at your legs

Dog eat dog - a mouth

Dogs don't bite the hedgehog - into the mouth

The dog bitThe tortoise- can't get to an end

The dog bite lu dongbin, not good hearts

The dog bit the fence - looking for a breakthrough

The dog sedan chair - unappreciative

The dog swear to toilet - useless

Keep the dogThe toilet- a figure

Good dog bones - its mouth

About dog bones - such as urgent

The tailor dozen dog - size

The fly mouth dog nose - true spirit

Eat shit dog - mouth smelly

Eating arsenic poison dog -- their hurt (firstChinese zodiac /shengxiao/)

Crisp melon dozen dog -- piecemeal

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