What year of dragon is a year of the dragon

  What year of dragonBelong to the dragonA year of

Is a year of the dragon in the order: 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928, 1916, etc.

Zodiac classification is carried out in accordance with the "spring" of the lunar calendar in China, rather than"The Spring Festival"(on).So-called the Gregorian calendar, also known as the Gregorian calendar.

What year of dragon is a year of the dragon

The following is a specific time belongs to the year of the dragon:

Gregorian calendar on February 4, 2000, 20 32 points - at 2 February 4, 2001, 20 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 4, 1988, 22 at 48 points - 4 February 4, 1989, 38 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 5, 1976, 0 52 points - 6 February 4, 1977 41 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 5, 1964 at 4 to 2 - February 4, 1965 at 8

The Gregorian calendar on February 5, 1952, 4 when 59 - February 4, 1953, 10 49 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 5, 1940, 7 3 points - February 4, 1941, 12 53 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 5, 1928 at 7-9, on February 4, 1929, 57 points

The Gregorian calendar on February 4, 1916 at 11 14 points - February 4, 1917, 16 58 minutes

Belong to the dragon one year of birth five lines of inquiry:

Wood dragon (let-out - 1904, was born in 1964)

Fire dragon Chen (c - 1916, was born in 1976)

Earth dragon (wu-cheng, 1928, was born in 1988),

Jinlong (GengChenNian - 1940, was born in 2000)

Hoses (nonyl Chen, 1952, was born in 2012)

Dragon what year is a year of the dragon

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