A monkey people change the fate of the method

  A monkey,Change the fate of the method

A monkey people change the fate of the method

A monkey, change life method: behave correctly and cautiously

A monkey because courage is too big so often appear accidental injury, this makes the life of the monkey is not fare well, act should behave correctly and cautiously so that you can avoid a lot of accident event.

A monkey people change destiny ten methods

1, monkey meet snakes have moral, can put the snake, the southeast direction, can for snake island, snake, to look forA snakeThe noble;

2, monkey meet dragon thrive more, can put the dragon, the southeast direction, can the longshan, the dragon, to findBelong to the dragonThe noble;

3, it is more blessed to monkey in rat, can the kangaroo rat, money and rat to treasure, in the north, can look forBelong to the ratThe noble;

4, monkey meet prospective seal hou ma, can put the horse, the south orientation, can to ma on shan, a horse, to look forBelong to the horseThe noble;

5, monkey meet not live, can be compressed to the forest, with wooden furniture, trees, trees can increase the energy;

6, monkey meet people have noble, can put the eight immortals, angry, happy, make the business good luck;

7, monkey peja jade have expensive gas, can put jade, increase the expensive gas, beaming, make career luck;Famous monkey meet xi, can put flowers, trees, angry, happy, make the business good luck;

8, monkey meet tiger disturbed, pay attention to andA tigerThe photograph is strong;

9, a monkey meet pig uncomfortable, pay attention to andIs a pigThe phase.

10, monkey kaiyun, because a bit in the unitary ShenZiChen good luck, good luck is good luck, so unitary namely western for good luck.A: a monkey's good luck to the west.So on opened a flower flower luck is big!

A monkey who change the fate of the method

The duke of zhou interprets of query