And what the animal sign is the most worthy of a pig

  Is a pigAnd what is the animal sign is the most worthy?

Pig mixed phase should be attachment table, sheep, rabbit, tiger, the five things chang, enjoy wealth and honour, robust, accumulate wealth.

Pig mixed phase avoid attachment table: monkeys, snakes, pigs monkey is not an end, ChaoChao daily communication, tears than can have a long, hard to happiness for life.

Pig's animal sign marry table:

Male pig + female mouse: a good marriage, as long as the woman is not too bold and unrestrained.

Female pig + male mouse: harmony, happiness of life.

Male + female pig cow: don't feel the warmth of affection and love, because both outward development.

Female pig + male cattle: the man to the woman has a strong appeal.

Male pig + female tiger: we can live together harmoniously, but the woman need to pay attention to not obsessed with the man.

Female pig + male tiger: understand and admire each other, and have enough energy to take care of each other.

Male pig + female rabbit: there will be a good marriage.

Female pig + male rabbit: very nice couple.

Male + female pig dragon: can live together, but the woman is too extroversion, the man want to know the magnanimous.

Female pig + male dragon: very well, the woman know how to care and to love the man.

Male pig + female snake: it's not reasonable.The man to adjust itself to adapt to the woman, but for a long time there will be complaints.

Female pig + male snake: don't fit.The man can not adapt to the woman's temper.

The male pig + female horse: two people's personality is different, can't be happy.

Female pig + male horse: there will be a small friction, unfavorable combination.

Male pig + female sheep: the man doesn't know how to establish the authority of the husband of crisis will produce

Female pig + male sheep: can live together, the two sides will be looking out for each other.

Male pig + female monkey: the man's character, can wait to make the woman happy and satisfied.

Female pig + male monkeys: is it a good marriage.Won't be tired of each other, help each other.

Male pig + chicken woman: the man's tolerance, thoughtfulness, and can make the woman happy.

Female pig + male chicken: the woman too picky to make man tired.

Male pig + female dog: a pair of happiness, because the two sides to mutual understanding and trust.

Female pig + male dog: a good relationship, to live in harmony.

The male + female pig pig: a wonderful pair, because the two sides can understand each other.

Female pig + male pig: cut out for each other, you will happy work together in the future.

Pig and what's the animal sign is the most worthy article belongs to the Chinese cultural knowledge transfer.For reference only, not science.

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