Dream of patent medicine

Dream of patent medicine is what mean?Dream dream of patent medicine good?Dream of patent medicine have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of patent medicine detailed solution.

Dream of patent medicine

Dream to his health, rely on patent medicine, for a better future, you will be a fight, but to the disappointment of the envious of you.You can succeed at last.

Dream see or manufacturing patent medicine, indicate your identity will get promoted, completely out of their expectation.

Dream of see drug, if you picked it up and taking it tastes good, means you will get into trouble, but soon you will be able to save the day.

Dreamed you eat medicine difficult to swallow, says you could develop difficult to treat diseases, or mean a very sad thing will happen to you.

Dream of you take medicine to eat, symbol you are likely to damage to a trusted friend to you.

Medicine to treat disease, is the purpose of the dream of taking medicine means fear of disease, may come your way by the disease.

Dream of taking medicine, means of poverty.

Dream of selling medicine, means all contact, contact the patient of his disease, will suffer from diseases.

Dream of medicine for his wife or children, family harmony, happiness.

Dream of medicine, doctor can make a fortune.

Dream is equipped with herb tea pot, the body disease.

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