Dream of serious illness

What is the meaning of dream of serious illness?Dream dream of serious illness?Dreamed of serious illness have a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of serious illness in detail solution.

Dream of serious illness

Dreamed of seriously ill people, said recently there may be a disaster comes, you may also be your friends and family accident will happen.

Dreamed that he became seriously ill in bed, you will be a blessing in disguise, and can run into a noble, the people will bring to your life.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: life will bring us angry, difficult and painful memories.In dreams, these memories and feelings can be expressed in the form of physical pain.Sometimes such dreams can be said is real diseases, but it mostly reflects you and the relationship between the external environment.Said you haven't have the power to overcome the difficulties.

Psychoanalysis: dream generally related to a certain part of your personality.In addition, this kind of dream also said you have a way to overcome that corresponds to the real life with this kind of disease is difficult.The dream drugs or surgery has a similar meaning.Ill also symbol of others around you're worried about not care or to take care of.

Spirit: the disease can be expressed in a dream of spiritual confusion is not clear.

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