Dream of the grain harvest

Dream of the corn harvest is what mean?Dream dreamed that the grain harvest?Dream of the grain harvest has reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize your dream of the grain harvest the detailed solution.

Dream of the grain harvest

Dream of the corn harvest, said your home life.And if you seericeGrown very lush, or have a good harvest in sight, this is prosperous, prosperous dream for a long time, especially the farmers do this dream can harvest more.

Dream of harvest, suggests that food in the home.

Dream of riceLong are flourishing and prosperous New Year.

Farmers long dreamed of rice is very lush, said can harvest.

Food is the person living necessities, symbol of the wealth.

Dream of food, is a wealth of good omen.

Dream of food grain full, means to make a fortune.

Dream of food grain dry, can only send some small gain.

Dream of food, means to get rich.

Dream of the ground with food, is the loss of blessing, quarrel at home there, should cherish their all.

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