Dream of the tousle-haired

Dream of wild hair is what mean?Dream dream of wild hair, ok?Dream of hair scattered with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteSmall make up for the dream of you tidy hair scattered the detailed solution.

Dream of the tousle-haired

Dream of the hairScattered, signal will be for love.(Duke of zhou interprets )

Dream of wild hair entangled unclear, suggesting that the early signs of distress for the triangle.

Dream of the tousle-haired cover face, said yi have a lawsuit.

Dream was by hair, will let himself into the feelings of disputes.

Dream of hair disorderly and falling, it suggests that children unfortunately happens.

Duke of stock market

Dream of wild hair, stock market suggests that in high dish of turning the situation, will gradually appear drop stop board stock.

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