Dream of the mood

Dream of emotion is what mean?Dream dream mood good?Dream of reality and the influence of the reaction, and also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of emotion the detailed solution.

Dream of the mood

Dream of anxiety, pain, extreme disappointment, or strong emotions, such as anger, hate, there are usually two kinds of meaning.

On the one hand, the dream mood, is likely to be years ago mood again.

They might even you had already forgotten, from not to mention the pain of the past, or deeply repressed profound emotional experience.Your consciousness, for self-protection, let your spirit is not the purpose of being hurt, once put them deeply depressed, but they are hiding in the corner of your subconscious mind.

Sometimes even many years later, some phase in the life similar environment during the day, or some young stimulation (switch, dialogues and articles, the smell), will arouse the subconscious of the experience of the past.Then, at night, they are in your sleep.

Don't worry, no matter how strong emotions in my dream, this is the body of a kind of self adjustment, for many years ago buried deep in your body and mind, a relief of anxiety.

Sometimes you may even repeatedly dreamed of a similar scene, so when you do this dream, all mean you this anxiety is further easing.With the recurrence of the dream, in reality, the shadow of the past are gradually in the past, you will be fully into the new life.

Dream emotions, on the other hand, is probably a reflection of life during the day.The moral of each emotion, and there may be other (see specific emotions).

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