Dream of fasting

Dream of fasting, what meaning be?Dream dream of fasting, ok?Dream of fasting have reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of fast solution to speak in detail.

Dream of fasting

Dream of fasting, hinted at in the inner part of sexual feelings of guilt.

Dream of eating with others, show that difficulties can get the help of friends.

Dreaming that I will eat, this is a dream, that in the near future you will be a rich, noble, and new opportunities in the good;

Dreaming that I am eating, but kind of uncomfortable feeling, it indicates that you recently pressure is bigger, need self-regulation, or rest for a period of time.

Dreamed that he refused to eat, if appear this kind of dream, often means that the dreamer get off for a long time, have a psychological rebellious attitude;

Dream of psychology

Dream of eating, in a sign that you are anxious, feel the lack of a certain strength.

Dream appetite is not small, say you feel the need to recharge, so as not to force with depth.And the food is on behalf of you feel lack of energy, such as dessert is love element, cattle are diligence, etc.

In addition, there are another possible, is whether you too pay attention to appearance, youth and beauty?For example, is on a diet, will also make the dream of feasting to satisfy yourself!

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