Dream of hungry hungry hunger

Dream of hungry hungry famine is what mean?Dream dream of hungry hungry hunger?Dream of starving hungry hunger have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of starving hungry famine detailed solution.

Dream of hungry hungry hunger

Dreaming that I am hungry, on the one hand, struggling, living down and out, under pressure;Symbol, on the other hand, does not meet the spiritual that you will be the effort, as a result, predict the future will be full of hope.If often dreamed that he was very hungry, or loss of appetite, also could be a sign of stomach trouble, had better go to a hospital checking.

Dreamed that he was starved to death, suggest you will suffer from poverty, but also said "adversity leads to prosperity", indicated that you will try to efforts to improve their situation, to start a new life.

Dream of someone else hunger, said the business is thriving, or wealthy life comfortable.

Dreamed of his food to others, the predictor of the future career success, rich life, and will be deeply loved and widely supported.

Dream of famine end, indicate the pain and trouble in the past, a bright future, full of hope.

Dream of hungry after dinner meal, indicated that work or learning will get good grades.

Dream of initial starving, then get the abundance of food, portend experience "business before pleasure" and "near misses" such a thing, seems not smooth at the beginning, but later will get more than expected.

Dream of the wifeAnd children starve, indicated that oneself are in danger of unemployment.

The patient dreamed that he was hungry, indicated that body will recover.

Dream of many peopleBegging, predicted area may encounter famine.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Others hunger, Lord."The duke of zhou interprets"

Hungry after full first,The testJi."The duke of zhou interprets"

His hunger, main is fierce."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: hunger is a sign that you are in my dream in the physical, emotional or mental requirements not met.However, you could really feel the hunger and introduced the dream feeling.

Psychoanalysis: everyone has some must be meet the basic needs.If these needs cannot be met during waking hours, so they will be in the form of a symbol of hunger in a dream.

Spiritual symbol: at this level, hungry said people want to get spirit to meet the requirements of the and relief.

Dream of hunger to starve the case analysis of famine

Dream description: say to do such a dream is worthless.I dreamed that he was very hungry, especially like to play knife and fork.I entered the hotel, and enjoy a lunch, immediately feel energetic.(male, 33 years old)

Dream dream resolution: hunger, is the symbol of future and fortune.Dreaming that I am hungry, it is a good thing.Indicates that a bright future ahead of you.Dream of someone else hunger, indicated that the people of the business is thriving, many fortunes find their way.Dream of starvation after a square meals, means good luck will accompany around you.

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