Dream of stiff rigidity

Dream of stiff rigidity is what mean?Dream dream of stiff rigidity, ok?Dream of stiff rigidity have realistic effects and reactions, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dream of stiff stiff detailed solution.

Dream of stiff rigidity

Dreamed of stiffness, rigidity and unreconstructed your, no new idea.

Dreaming that I am stiff, explain you are losing their vitality, also indicated a certain parts of the body may be out of order.

Dreamed that he turned into a rigid zombies, and may represent the fear of your heart still cannot resolve.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dream of stiffness and rigidity are nervous or fear, energy can't flow.

Psychology analysis: if the dream of a rigid attitude toward others, say you always silent, immersed in meditation.You may be shy, but don't rule out the possibility of angry.

Spiritual symbol: in some stage of mental development, discipline can be stiff.

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