Dream of coma fainted

Dream of coma faint what meaning be?Dream dream faint coma?Dreamed of coma fainted with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of coma faint small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of coma fainted

Dream of coma, may mean that you will meet the holy things, received good information, or suddenly realize the truth.And suddenly fainted, and may suggest a climax.

Dream of seriously injured fainted, promises to be the body rehabilitation, or better health.

Dream of faint before the enemy, suggest you were defeated by the enemy.

If often dreamed of his coma, be sure to check to the hospital, this kind of phenomenon is the expression of the disease.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Were in a coma, and the good news."The duke of zhou interprets"

Wife faint, housewives in labor."The duke of zhou interprets"

Faint before the enemy, and to subvert."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: coma main auspicious.

Psychoanalysis: dreaming that I am in a coma suddenly, is lucky and have a good message.Dream of faint before the enemy, suggesting that can defeat the enemy.Dream of an operation or fainted when wounded, the body will soon recover.

Dreamed of coma fainted case analysis (from)

The dream description: I dreamed that I was the unit to work.Summer is really hot at noon, and catch up with the air conditioner is broken.We just work, suddenly found that Lao wang fainted.I called a few times, he never promised, so we sent him to the hospital quickly.(male, 34)

Dream dream resolution: was in a coma, mean body pain or overwork.Dream of coma, is caused to worrying about the health of your heart.Dreaming that I am in a coma, is to remind you should pay attention to the disease of heart head blood-vessel.Dream of others in a coma, are telling you not to overwork, break down from constant overwork.

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