Dream of a cup of tea

What is the meaning of dream of a cup of tea?Dream dream of a cup of tea?Dream of drinking tea has a real impact and response, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a cup of tea the detailed solution.

Dream of a cup of tea

Dream of tea, and interpersonal meaning and social opportunities.

Dream of a cup of tea, usually implies that you desire for relief from the busy life, or to a comfortable, stable family life yearning.

Dream of afternoon tea with friends, says life is settled, and you may be in their own way, friends care and raising children.

Dreaming that I drink scented tea, represent the gradually restore mental and physical health.

Unmarried young men and women dream of a cup of tea, will marry a prudentA womanAs a wife, or will marry a mature rich merchant.

Lovestruck man dreaming that I am a cup of tea, said two of a kind, good graces.

Man dreamed that he said in drink green tea, life stability and happiness.

Women dreaming that I drink strong tea, indicated that her husband will dote on you more.

Women dream of tea to her husband, suggest to soonTo have children

Businessman dream with the cup of tea that is likely to go abroad, is likely to expand business overseas.

Patient dreamed that he drink tea with cups, indicated that there will be a guest arrives.

Dream of tea on the counter and shelves to buy and sell goods, suggest there will be the flow of wealth, is likely to start a new business dealings with others.

Dream of boiled tea, is likely to be encountered bad luck, need to get through a hard time.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See a cup of tea, is the main target."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream tea not and thirsty.Dream scene will be."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams give tea business.Dream emperor give tea, courtier Lord wrought, squire main memory to ask;Dream god tea, not married to good marriage, have to marry beautiful child;Dreams given Buddha tea, Buddha force was at home, becoming a monk moral-mind established gradually."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream tea, ji.Dream drink a bowl of throat, two or three bowls of body fluid and four bowls of wit, five or six bowl skin clear, seven or eight bowl shall not eat, ninety bowls a fairy."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

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