Dream of an operation

Dream of an operation is what mean?Dream dream of an operation?Dream of surgery with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up help you dream of an operation of the detailed solution.

Dream of an operation

Dreaming that I am an operation, general is auspicious.

Dream of an operation or fainted when wounded, the body will soon recover.

Dream of are surgery, all the sorrow and trouble.

Patient dreamed of surgery, will be restored to health.

Dream let relatives to be operated, would have a disagreement with relatives.

Men dreamed of operation, people hate their guts.

Adults who dreamed of his surgery, still need to continue to focus on renal function.In addition, sitting position not to stay too long, easy to cause low back pain.Eczema is also possible.

Men dreamed of his surgery, is your luck, should keep jobs, do not make a move.Is auspicious.The move is fierce.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: no one thinks in the hospital in surgery is an enjoyable thing, so the operation in a dream said you fear of pain and illness.Dream at the same time indicate that you have to accept the treatment for themselves.

Psychoanalysis: dreaming that I travel to others that you noticed that you have high talent.Dream of surgery, said you want to know your inner world, are you afraid might happen again at the same time.

Spirit: the dream said therapy on mental level.

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