Dream of spring cleaning

What's the meaning of dream of cleaning?Dream dream of spring cleaning?Dream of cleaning with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official websiteDetailed) small make up to help you organize the dream of cleaning solution.

Dream of spring cleaning

Dream of cleaning, usually symbolize the dreamer is determined to remove old ideas, old ideas, abandon the old habits, or clutter thoughts, usher in a new life.You may also suggest that will end unhappy relationships.

In addition, as a bad thing, also can do such a dream, it is said you want to wash the heart of the guilty.

Dream of cleaning in the house, you'll see a contradiction, also said the family troubles or appear, need you to calm down and clear ideas.

Dream in polished cooker or tableware, indicated that you will have trouble.

Dreamed that the house cleaning, said may have accident.Attacked by a dog bite in the rear end a day of;Or near the construction site, the above drop down the iron bucket full of cement, etc.In a word, be careful.

Dream of cleaning, indicate that there might be a dreamer's relationships, need to pay attention to some people skills, not all self-centered, when it's necessary to get along with some skills.

Traders dream of cleaning, indicate some problems in the dreamer's business, may be have some little need to clear away, otherwise it will bring you economic losses.

Students dreamed of cleaning, indicate the dreamer's grades will be improved, can be recognized by the elders, will have more time for fun.

A pregnant womanDream of cleaning, indicate the dreamer is boring life feel bore, very want to hurry up production, so that you can free activities.

Patient dreamed of cleaning, indicate the dreamer's illness will get better soon, soon will be able to heal, will soon be able to healthy life.

A man dreamed of cleaning, the dreamer would love his own wife, and to assume all responsibility for each other, will be very respect and take care of each other.

A womanDream of cleaning, indicated that the dreamer will marry a love your husband, will be able to get her husband's care and respect, can form a happy family.

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