Dream of the joke

What is the meaning of dream of someone else tell jokes?Dream dream of others jokes, ok?Dream of others jokes have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of someone else's jokes detailed solution.

Dream of others jokes

Dream of someone laughing reel, the audience the glee.Means that you may be because the woodworks and ignore the important things.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: dreamed someone tell a joke, or a sarcastic remarks, said the dreamer to participate in other people's sense of humor.

Psychoanalysis: if the dreamer was one of those funny or cynics, he often startled by his own nature.

Spiritual symbol: hidden in the dream of a joke or deep behind the obscure expression often reflects the dreamer's spiritual pursuit.

Dream of someone else's jokes case analysis

Dream description: I dreamed someone telling a joke, I laughed until laugh woke up, I don't know what this means?

Dreams resolution: dream of telling a joke, you are a humorous man.But don't cry because it is fun everyday missed the right to oh.

Dream of jokes

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