Dream of being chased

Dream about being chased is what mean?Dream dream of being chased, ok?Dream about being chased a reality and the influence of the reaction, and the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of being chased the detailed solution.

Dream of being chased

Dream ofBeing chasedIs a very common dream, usually associated with real life is always full of pressure, so the pressure source is the key of this kind of dream.

If can be recalled after your specific, so the dream is very obvious.

If the boss or colleagues classmates, that is related to the learning environment and your work pressure.

If it is a dream of the familyThe childDepressed about the nature and family.

If this is your own avatar, the avatar is your instinct, such as moral sense, responsibility and guilt.

Dream of being chased the case analysis

The dream description: don't know why, in my dream I've had two very black people pursued.I escaped and fled, looking back, they are behind me, finally I get off the bus, they use a pistol shot him.At that moment, I wake up.(women, 19 years old)

Dreams resolution: young women by animal or strange men chase dreams, expressed love and sexual desire and uneasy.Think sex is very terror, on the other hand, wants to be conquered, also symbolizes the you in the spirit of fear, catch you as your own heart.

Dream grow very black man, is the emotional side of your heart, so, you again how to flee or escape not to drop.At the same time also sex symbol your vision.You want to escape vivit on one hand, on the other hand it to the others to chase you.Such ambivalence was normal young women psychological portrayal.

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