Dream of cancer in cancer

Dream of cancer cancer is what mean?Dream dream of cancer cancer?Dream of reality is a cancer of cancer and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you dreamed of cancer, cancer of the detailed solution.

Dream of cancer in cancer

Dream of cancer, suggest a long and often remind you to pay more attention to body health, life rule.

The patient dreamed about cancer, the body will soon recover.

Dream of cancer in family, relatives will be healthy body.

Dream of friends have cancer, portends a friend will be very healthy body.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: there is a widespread fear of cancer have a very strong.Dreaming that I had cancer, said you swim and powerless.Such dreams can symbolize your fear of disease or said you are devoured by some kind of negative emotions and thoughts.

Psychoanalysis: even though you have tried to find out the reason of his fear, but there are still some ambiguous ideas in your head, and these factors are usually expressed in your dreams in the form of cancer.

Spiritual symbol: serious incident or illness often leads to mental breakdown, and other factors are often unable to such damage.

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