Dream of the mouth

Dream of the mouth is what mean?Dream dream of your mouth, ok?Dream of mouth have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) dream of mouth of small make up to help you organize the detailed solution.

Dream of the mouth

Dream on the mouth, is associated with sex, lies and sincere.

Dream of mouth, may said repressed desires, impulses of the opposite sex;May also said there are difficult to express inner feelings, eager to express themselves.

Dream of their own lips red, said you healthy and wealthy life.

Dream of white or yellow lips, suggest you sick, worried.

Dreamed that he was thick lips, suggesting that your loyal personality, unable to defend themselves, bullied by others, rarely active resistance.

The mouth and lips, or a symbol of female genitalia.

Dream of his mouth, love.

Dream of open mouth, may be said to dream people afraid of be swallowed up by the strong emotional or sexual desire.

Dream no mouth, may suggest you for the problem of sex.

Men dreamed of lips very redA womanThat you are tempted, may be women cheat.

If men dream of white-lipped people, suggested that his wife or friend not loyal to himself, not easy to be tempted.

Dream of lips black women, signal may experience a period of tough days, health was hard life consumption, exhausted, exhaustion of body and mind, sickness.

Dream of lips very thin woman, signal may encounter mean woman, or your girlfriend is very mean.

Dreamed of his mouth bigger that may suffer.

Dreamed that his mouth full of food that will be rich, the quality of life was improved.

Dream in his long hair that you will to the best of luck.

Dream of mouth long tumor or blister, suggests there may be differences in the family, let your heart.

Dream of eating hot scalded mouth, on the one hand, indicate you may become sick, on the other hand to remind you in treated with sexual feelings, too impatient will make you suffer.

Dreaming that I am drooling, the face of it, may you envy people or things around, but in fact is you have stagnated, less income, lower quality of life, or are in trouble.

Dreamt ofThe wormRan out of the mouth, don't worry too much, that unfortunate things have in the past, the pain of the heart, and finally will be eased, will soon celebrate the new good life.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Something very hot mouth, disease."The duke of zhou interprets"

Master blocking others mouth, then."The duke of zhou interprets" on your mouth, main to love."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream is DaZui, ji.He hands output hit me, I'm fine."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreams are DaZui.To handle the output hit me and others on the master of business.The broken dream secretary

Dream being covered, the shutter, sound stimulation of trillion.The broken dream secretary

Mouth as big as a pipe dream.As for legitimate, generous, smooth, also very lucky.The broken dream secretary

Dream people jump in population, the main prison people disturb the elephant.The broken dream secretary

In the mouth full of food, the main profit."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: adult body symbol the complete image of the man in my dream (including his character and feature) or self consciousness.When a person was starvingbabyWhen his body became their most important source of information.

The psychological analysis: mouth representative character "consumption" and "accept", its meaning in the dream also related to specific dreams (around).Sometimes, the mouth is also on behalf of the women in the side of your character.

Dream of mouth of case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dream, the classmate to bring a little girl, to me said: "this is my cousin, you help her make-up, her to attend evening performance."The classmate's cousin looks very delicate, especially the mouth is small and beautiful, very nice.

The little girl, very like.(women, 22)

Resolution: dream dream mouth, represents the wealth and new friends.Dream of a small and beautiful mouth, indicate your finances is yet to come.Dream of a big and beautiful mouth, indicated you will make a valuable friends.Dream of open mouth, is to remind you the tongue cuts the throat, listen more and talk less, to listen to the opinions of others.

"Dream case 2"

There is a man that is in the leadership positions, one day have the fox bite of his mouth, he woke up in pain.A few days later, he was the subordinate report, was removed from his post.

Dreams resolution: fox in dreams represent a crafty or resourceful man.In addition, the dream fox may also is a symbol of pressure and obstacles.Dream of mouth bitten by the fox, suggests that the dreamer will suffer a crafty or resourceful people hurt, but the dreamer will be unable to express their grievances.

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