Dream of the heart

Dream of the heart is what mean?Dream dream of heart, ok?Dream of the heart have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of the heart of the detailed solution.

Dream of the heart

Dream of heart, symbol has strong emotions.

If the dream of heart abnormalities, often portend accident, may cause or business there are twists and turns.ifA womanDo this, may be said families harassment, such as meet rascal the thief.

Dreamed that he counted the number of times the heart rate, suggesting that the dreamer's heart pursue exciting life, subconsciously want to reach the limits of their physical ability.

Dream of heart stopped beating, also said will likely be misfortune, or pain.

If the dream of cardiac rupture, or broken, may suggest that have a close person makes you feel very insecure.

Dreamed that he died of a heart attack or loved ones, don't worry too much, it is comfortable, rhythm reduce said, indicated the dream of the dead will live a long time.

Dream of put his hand on his heart, is trying to protect their own meaning, remind you to guard against an enemy, encounter could be dangerous or fatal injury.

Dreamed that his heart was pressure that you may encounter stealing, or cheated, cheated, or inner injustice.

Dreamed that his heart pain that you may encounter great grief.

Dreamed that his heart was pressure or pain, and reminds you to be healthy, it may say the heart is bad, if there are any abnormal, want to go to a hospital checking in time.

Dream of the heart was stabbed, or shot in the heart, is usually indicative of health might be a problem may have heart disease, should be timely to a hospital checking.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream happy pills.The main impediment to, everything all, is deep."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Lightning broken heart dreams, great luck, running one AD."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream profile control.This constant flux, also master the difficult solution, the sorrow to go.The main sendoh.The broken dream secretary

Dream coring water washing.Have to wash the heart like polyester, xiude inspection body.The broken dream secretary

Dream coring water wash, auspicious, turn the main diseases."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream hands the heart, great luck.Primary disease, disaster, enemy, everything."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream water heart, ji, in addition to the patient."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream unintentionally, great luck."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Heart dream become a bird.Literati, especially in business.Legal cases such change is not often."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream heart MingRuYue, main guilty of td, as also.The broken dream secretary

Dream heart is like the moon, business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream heart gave birth to the movie.Literati interest wit, woman of the dream at your show, less of the strong."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream in the heart one sheep, fierce.To dream for something when there is a disease, the appropriate prevention."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream bosom heart as big as a bucket, great luck.Dream otimista Italian music, poor in the mean, in the future to change door Lv, erudition."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream on the center of suspension beam, great luck.Dream isolated from the rest of the affair, high fame hence, everything's fine."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

A dream with a knife to cut happy, well, the refractory, the sorrow."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream to fragility, ji.The dreamer Vince smooth, profit in business."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream finger painting heart crack, ji.This dream is to turn over a new leaf like, there is no bad."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: adult body symbol the complete image of the man in my dream (including his character and feature) or self consciousness.When a person was starvingbabyWhen his body became their most important source of information.

Psychology analysis: the heart is the center of the human body, its general representative feelings, rather than wisdom.

The symbol of the inner psychological symbol: heart, secrets exposed in a dream is a bad thing.The rhythm of the heart also symbolizes the life.The rhythm of the heart rhythm also symbolizes the life.When heart appeared in my dream, mostly the rhythm of the life out of the question.

Dream of the case analysis of the heart

"Dream case 1"

Dream, I seems to be in hospital, lying in bed, I don't know what was wrong with his.Dream, I only feel the heart sick.I pass my hands touched the heart, the heart would not jump, I am busy shouted the doctor, doctor check after say: "your heart is very normal.(female, 29 years old)

Resolution: dream dream in the heart, mean big decision.If you dream in the heart, said what are you doing now is big decision.Before this decision, you think twice, therefore only to dream of the heart in my dream;If the dream of the heart is a sword into that you eliminate all the discussion and seriously in decision making.If the dream of abnormal heart beat or stops beating, want to consider to health problems.

"Dream case 2"

Have a personal dream of their own heart holding in his hand, blood flowing downwards, but he didn't feel a thing.The man was scared woke up.

Resolution: dream the dream is the dream of ominous, reflects the mindset of the dreamer is not so stable.Indicated that in reality the dreamer's effort has not been returned, in the heart feel is out of step with the return, sorry for it.

Dream of the heart

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