Dream of head

Dream of head is what mean?Dream dream of head?Dream of head with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of head detailed solution.

Dream of head

Dreamed of his head, which is the precursor of ascension.

Dreamed someone waving a sword to cut his head, this is to remind yourself and your family to be cautious.

Dream of her hands on her head, good news

Dream of shampoo, and sorrow will be over.

Dream of according to his head with the mirror, it is lucky and to be promoted.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

The dream brain compound one, fierce.The wrath of restless."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream brain out of the mouth, fierce.His destruction, and to me as to your brain, to supple in people, on a base, soft is weaker.Women's and annoyance."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream in the brain.Signs have to treasure."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream with her own brain, ji to treasure the people."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream and write head.Word is auspicious, fierce, fierce character."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: generation refers to the actions of limbs, head for thinking.

Psychoanalysis: the head is the most important parts of the human body, it controls the whole body and life.Dream, is a symbol of intelligence, annoyance, dignity.

Dreamed of head case analysis

"Dream case 1"

Dream I just awoke from his sleep, and then pullThe quilt, and the sun through the glass to his face.A mirror on the wall, inadvertently, suddenly found that the head is a lot bigger, as big as big basin, woke up with a start.(female, 26)

Head grew up many dreams resolution: a dream, that your faith and perseverance have enough confidence.If so, what do you do these days will be particularly well, especially about digital, because it is to be the first operation.

If the dream of someone waving swords, in an attempt to cut down his head, that is to remind you and your family be careful when you cross the road.Dream of vivit cutting down the head of animal meat, to make a fortune.Dream of according to his head with the mirror, is auspicious, oneself is likely to be promoted.

"Dream case 2"

I rarely dream recently, is done is that wakes up looked at that.Results in recent half a month had two consecutive dream.The two adjacent dream about half a month.And after the first time I don't like this together.But then the dream again last night was a good scary.I "mad on the head with my friends got rid of all of a sudden.Then I picked up the head mount.Is the cut off is very neat.Special real dream.I remember feeling neck of hemp.This morning I was up the first thing is to touch the neck!!Scared me to death.

Dream parsing: generation refers to the actions of limbs, head for thinking.You dropped head means that you have a make you nerve-racking problems, let you touch the mind for the moment, but then fitted that you and your problem was solved by you in the end.

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