Dream of vertebral spine spine

Dream of vertebral spine spine is what mean?Dream dream of vertebral spine spine?Dream of vertebral spine spine with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of vertebral spine spinal detailed solution.

Dream of vertebral spine spine

Dream of spine, spine or spinal, etc., is a symbol of the willpower and determination ability.

Dream of spine was broken or cracked is bad signal.

Dream of back, often opposed, rejection, away from the meaning, etc.

Dream of parents is lifetime of figure, may indicate your inner feeling they give their support, parenting is not enough, or subconscious feeling abandoned by his parents, to refuse.

Dream of a group of unidentified people, or a person's back, expressed in your heart at ordinary times, have social rejection, the feeling of abandoned by life.

Dream of their own shadow, and it may indicate that you feel part of the heart, such as green vigor, is away from his.

Dream of others back to himself, indicate that you will encounter against or jealousy, one may therefore bring you trouble.At this time on the back, is a reflection of the attitude towards others.

Dreaming that I am back to my back, others said is his attitude.Perhaps in the life, your in the mind very don't like someone, but it cannot get rid of, have to listen to his command.

Dreaming that I am backbleeding, said it would suffer economic losses.

Dreaming that I am back injuries, said your friend will be lying, cheating, or was playing tricks on.

Tumor dream back, not necessarily a bad thing, also put in the near future you will be relieved from the heavy labor, or may have unexpected little luck, such as surprise gifts.

Dream of back pain, indicate you may get promoted to important positions, responsibility and pressure.

Dreamed that he became a hunchback, predict possible changes in family life, like moving or rebuild the houses.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Back bone broken dreams, fierce.Dream the parents, sons and nephews dead, killed.Town, cautious solution can be a curse."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream back to crack, fierce.State-owned perils, variation of a family."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: if you stare at other people's back in the dream, said you require a more in-depth study personalized factors in his character.You may be for some unexpected injury.If you dream about her back to someone or something, action says you refuse to dream of feelings.

Psychology analysis: you might want to suppress your desire or don't want to face their own feelings.Do you think of the past as well as relevant.

Spiritual symbol: on spiritual level, is the dream back to your request, you are asked to forget the past obsolete knowledge.

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